I could have written pages and pages in response. H's definition of love is thisafter I asked him "What does love mean to you?" Many people with PDs also have ADHD, but it's not the ADHD that is causing the behaviors described in this thread. That's great! Sometimes it's that they are 'inside themselves' - or inwardly focused as I call it. Please share ~ the relief is amazing! Being intrusive and obnoxious so my partner would pay attention to me. I paid for every cent at that point and insurance for me/him. Being Married to Someone Who Doesn't Care. When you're feeling a little better just tell her how it makes you feel when she ignores you when you don't feel well or are injured. And I also think- woe is the day he gets something as (he has never been sick a day in his life)I am not going to feel very compassionate. I think that men get used to a female (their mother) taking care of them while they are children, and subconsciously they maintain this view as they get to adulthood. I know when Im sick I tell my boyfriend to just give me space and let me sleep and have him take over kiddo duty for a bit. If they get ill first, and then I get ill? You only get 1 life and your life matters, period. Don't let the ADHD make you feel any worse you need the peace and quiet to recover gently. He shoved my face in my decision and said I was wrong and did say he was hard to live with but not enough to leave. But, He won't spend any TIME with me, or sit and talk to me, like when I've been sick or in the hospital. And, when I'm not 100%, then he's not being cared for. This detachment causes children to grow up detached from making intimate friendships and relationships as an adult, to closely love others. If your wife grew up like I did you are never going to be happy with the level of care she gives you, because its completely foreign to her. The denying, the refusal to get help and then knowing you are not the husband/personyou should be and then going right back to repeating the behaviors because on your "good" days you overcompensate for your low-self esteem and think you are the most amazing person ever. Perhaps he would consider reading the free treatment e-book (look in the treatment guide for it) and also consider adding some 'attend time' to his schedule. To us I should say. He played video games.A LOT, and watched a lot of movies, and cook his food in deep fryers which has made the house smell like an old dirty grease pit, with the cupboards, shelves, and countertops, floors, all caked with grease. Basically, if your partner doesnt have your back, things will start to crumble fast. I don't think it's right, but I think it's true. I hope you left him. All big red flags. You are not important. Set up a way for it to not be inconsistent. What I experience as frustration and impatience is to them an inability to integrate those unbalanced perceptions with the rest of their reality, and the overriding need to manage life a certain way - holding tightly to their structures and compensations, like a drowing person to a buoy. Interesting. You love me. When I'm sick no one asks what I need to make me less miserable. This is a great take. Some of the scorn heaped upon ADHDers by their non-ADHD partners must CERTAINLY be readable in their partner's body languageeven if their partner is trying to be nice. I mis calculated the drop, my crutches went out from under me, and I fell, landing flat on my back on thecement patio, hard. There is something good though. It was a high pressure job in sales and recruiting, with a manager who later got in trouble for harrassingstaff and being absolutely unprofessional. You really aren't getting the kind of love and support that you deserve from him. Okay, WE?? I will always do my best but not at the price of my sanity. I was trying to do something simple. My husband believes he's Mr. Fix-It, and can fix anything. I was "out of commission" for 6 weeks. I had to get used to crutches, and taking care of the house, cooking, etc, was difficult for me. Keep in mind that on his days off (F,ST,SN), he Does NOTHING! I m not saying it s right, but I am not putting in the effort for someone who lies to my face about everything. I will always do my best but not at the price of my sanity.". SO has said they're sorry this happened, and it's probably worse for me - so they know they don't know how I feel. I pretend I am single and take care of me and my home for me. Confirmed. Blank. I had to step down onto the patio from the back door. Submitted by jennalemone on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 14:09. His mother died in a plane crash, this would finish him off if I left, etc. Nothe kids aren't "more important" than her. No, not really. Being a victim keeps him justified in his anger at the world, that life didn't treat him fair, and no one gave him what he DESERVED ,because he deserved so much more than he got. I've had to take a de-greaser and scrub them all down to get the old slimy grease off of all of them. I left work early and took them to hospital, tended them there, brought them home and generally took care of as much as I could to keep them comfortable and on the way to mending throughout. I don't believe the behavior is intentional in my case. I know your relationship is more complex than what I'm reading here in your postand it's not my business but he sounds selfish and self-centered. She doesn't care that I am in pain because she feels my feelings are unfounded. I'll talk to my wife when she gets home. Some otc antacids helped. But, again, that is in the "now", but what about the "not-now"? Many years ago I had appendicitis. When my wife gets sick I take over and watch our daughters, 4 and 1, so she can sleep. But one person doing all the nice things, loving things is very hard and eventually we all get tired of begging. I am sorry for your situation. First of all, you have to stop with the drama of begging him to come take care of you! Or begging him to drive you home. I can understand mentionin I thrive from who I am independently although I still try to be a good wife and hold down most of the responsibilities that keep our family looking good for the most part. I know the empathy is in there, but it's overridden by the rest of their experience and the onslaught of perception they constantly have to sort through. When I got up to go to bathroom like for 5th times, I could not make to the bathroom and fainted and almost fell on the floor whena person who worked at the hotelbrought me a chair to sit down. Submitted by Punkin on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 07:12. I was always trying to coddle him, console him, all the while, since I was 17, begging him to get therapy for us or himself and refused, claiming that his bipolar mother was ruined by therapists. It was horrible since I did it secretly. I am ok. Recently I was knocked down by a This has been validating. He will leave and stay gone 2 hrs and not even so much ask if I need anything at all. He did - but was very angry and mean about it. I will not beg for attention as I did in the past, crying because I was lonely. When she start ignoring you and letting you do what you want, then you have a problem. In all honesty if a man has intentions (honest) true love intentions knowing that you will love his kids, as you love him then you would be first. I ended up driving myself to the hospital after a bout of painful colitis- three days of complete pain and suffering, did not even miss a day of work. Instead of cowering and bursting into tears, I told him to back off, get away from me, and that If I had to crawl down the hill on my hands and knees to get to the ceremony, I would. I know this may sound "corny", lol, but I don't think I'm too off base with this. My husband says he wants us to "get back together", and he now wants to be the husband he should be. Its a cultural thing as a whole. Submitted by thparkle on Tue, 03/20/2018 - 11:19. This marriage has changed me, first for the worst and now finally for the better. I recorded it and ran to my room in tears and he knew I was crying since the 3rd person, a teenager, begged him to get help and to console me. Submitted by PoisonIvy on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 15:38. So pick your battles my friends and learn about yourself in the process. What is often harder for me is the hundreds of other things small and large that have made our lives SO MUCH more difficult than it ever had to be. When my wife is sick, I tend to wait on her. (Daddy issues?). WebNow I'm going to get sick! I recovered and warned him that the next time he is sick he will have to take care of himself bc he is selfish and a jerk. An epiphany. I just need a bit of support lol anyway, my wife won't be back until 4 PM. He got mad at me because I went to grab the phone charger in the wall and didn't see it was connected to his phone (I needed to have a phone with me if I had to drive myself to the hospital in the middle of the night), he snapped at me that I am always in pain and should rent a hotel room in the hospital, etc, etc, and threw a different charger at me. He would scream at me if I touched him that I was killing him. Sign #9: He treats you like everyone else. Nearly 17% were estranged from a member of their immediate family. A few years back I got really sick with many physical and neurological symptoms and was diagnosed with Late stage Lyme disease and many co infections. Talk about unprofessional. You know, a "special" love. I don't trust him now, and I have good reason not to. We had an argument this morning where he says I am always in pain, etc. I had to pay out of pocket to see a naturopathic doctor trained by ILADS(it is the best training for Lyme disease and tick borne infections treatment.) He is loved by many, not evil. Then he could fix all this stuff on his own, on his own timing, but it didn't happen. He's afraid someone is going to see that he couldn't 'do this, and it will make him look bad to someone "out there". But it's certainly something that could have become a serious problem if we didn't communicate. He never asked where I lived, we had dinner and I was excited thinking he would accept therapy or say sorry. You are not important. We parted ways. And now that I have, I have a new perspective. Award-winning bookBuy paperbackBuy KindleBuy audiobookFree chaptersMore info, I just got back from a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home. It took me 27 years to stop being jealous when he treated other women better than me and hyperfocused on gadgets and not me. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Only a 4 inch drop, but tricky in a cast. It's "his" problem, and it's mostly a "focus" problem he thinks. If you talk about how he's not connecting with you and that's disappointing to you, the issue is HIM. I handle everything around the house, she doesn't need to be thinking about dishes or cleaning while And yes, I did remind remind remind suggest suggest suggest in the nicest possible way until I gave up. Submitted by dedelight4 on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 16:40. I have an illness. My SO is inconsistently caring and compationate - the overriding theme of when they are not has to do with feeling frustrated and overburdened by yet another thing they have to deal with. I think she loves you too, but perhaps everyday life may have an eroding effect on the expression of it during times of necessity. Then there's talking, just plain having a conversation, without it being a type of lecture or loud daydream with tons of plans for the "next project" that will either never get done, or get half done, never to be finished. And your wife mightve been That's just great! Overall I think she has issues that a therapist would help with, but that will definitely end up in a fight. Remind her of how bad you feel and how much you'd appreciate her help while you recover. The saying goes, "Don't be mad when I pull a you, on you." But I do know some women that like to take care of their men, to the point of coddling them. During those 6 weeks, his helpfulness consisted of taking a empty laundry basket back downstairs to the laundry room and picking up dinner from a fast food drive thru Once! After recovering from several hospitalizations, she went on to get a B.A. If your betta lives in an unfiltered setup youll need to completely change his water and clean his tank weekly. Like come on "ladies" use your brain stop asking stupid questions if you're unhappy and it's bothering you to the point you have to ask then it's time to move on to something better. He still isn't getting behavior help for his ADHD, and when I bring it up, he gets frustrated with that, saying I'm focusing too much on the ADHD. Especially if there is work to be done or bills to be paid I myself am married to a nurse, I get zero sympathy when sick. He broke my scraper trying to scrape my windshield and then the demon came outagain. How many people have you slept with in your life?? Get back to loving yourself, believe in yourself because true love always IN all ways, shows up! Because in his mind, I'm supposed to be taking care of him.not the other way around. The grass wasn't greener on the other side but my grass would probably never be any better so there needed to be changes on my side. Lol. Yes, the victim mentality and what you said is so true. Emotionless. Submitted by vabeachgal on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 18:15. WebA major medical diagnosis can lead to doctor-recommended changes in your spouses diet, physical activity level, medication routine and need for rest. She was in the hospital two days and has a 3 week recovery time frame. This goes so deep. Nothing builds or sticks over the years. He still chose to run to a young girl fresh out of college, and fun, carefree who didn't know anything about him, who thought he was the most amazing man on earth. I really would like some aspirin now and not in 5 hours! THAT, was fear. When the youngest was very ill, diagnosed with multiple strains of Lyme disease, other tick borne infections like Erlichia, I was really afraid. Your partner sounds as if he's not good at transitions (i.e. Please ask around or ask someone in your family to get online and see what public options are available for you- to either improve your eye sight or get back to your home country. Of course, the more the therapist learned, the more it just reinforced what he already knew. Gosh, feel better! No one has ever taken a day off when I was sick . Its an open concept house and he's painted the walls all different colors, but again, half done. People are either takers or givers. Kathy woke-up startled to hear her phone ring so at 5 am. Make sure he understands how much you like the connectionbut also how hurtful it can be when it's inconsistent. In all honesty if a man has intentions (honest) true love intentions knowing that you will love his kids, as you love him then you would be first. Do I wish that were not the case? That's not even in my nature.". He lovesfamily when they are joking with him, but not if they need him. All I can say is wow. You also don't have a role model to teach or even show you HOW to connect. You cant change something you dont know needs to be fixed. Yes, I agree, and am in the same place. My wife wants to be left alone all I want is take care of her just be there for her to help her I don't understand when I'm sick I love for her to take care of me maybe just hold my hand any one can help me, After 22 years of marriage , I've learned this the hard way and am done once our oldest has graduated high school. Do you have kids that were sick too? Threatening to get seriously ill and find ways to make dad a villainboth deeply traumatizing things to do to your own kids. But, he can't get past the victim hood yet. At one point my manager demanded I go see a medical doctor, which I already had, and because I was past two weeks of antibiotics and still sick, I was refused treatment. And that look on his face is what I will always remember. https://www.adhdmarriage.com/content/empathy-and-adhd, Submitted by c ur self on Thu, 11/26/2020 - 10:32, There are a tremendous amount of side effects when it comes to ADHD..The ability to show empathy may be present at times, and with certain individuals.Spousal empathy can be effected by numerous things.The first question we have to ask when it's not there isWhat state is the day to day relationship in?If the answer is Not great!Then that is one place you have to go with human beings, ADHD or not.But, hyper focus is a major player.Selfishness and self absorbed minds are major players.Distraction as well as addiction will also play a role if present.Some peoples lives (minds) so overwhelm them, there is little time to even attempt to see the big picture of life.(If the capability is even there). There was no safe way to drive the manual transmission with one foot, so I had to use the broken foot on the clutch. I handle everything around the house, she If the tables were turned, I know he'd be acting like he was at death's door if he simply had the sniffles. Yeahand just imagine trying to trust people when you grow up with everyone telling you you don't fit inand if you let that pain in all the time, instead of shut it out, you would be a puddle on the floor. If anything, I am stronger in your eyes. I do believe he is plagued internally by his demons and if I can't show compassion and let go of resentment, I would surely hate him for marrying me. So it's easier when you can say, "ok 20% sucks if I let it but 80% is fabulous". How would you like her to act? Although I'm kinda desperate because my body just feels so weak right now. He called me unsubmissive and unchristian. I would blame him for screwing up mine. It may make it more difficult to resolve differences or conflicts and the same He shows no concern for me - and this has to be narcissistic personality disorder. You should probably be checked out by a doctor. Hewas an abusive, narcissistic Asshole. I often try to put myself in his shoes and think "God I am so happy I am not like that". Sometimes, he can be vindictive in a passive way, like after I left him for that one month. I count my lucky stars his empathy score wasn't way off neurotypical, but even so, it is affected, and I do notice he's MUCH better about me being ill when he's just had what I've caught, because he doesn't have to imagine how I feel, he knows from personal experience. My husband has a 'man cold' right now. 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. It is obvious that ADD people rarely change for any measurable amount of time. Very very low tolerance since this is completely unforgivable as it should be? Recallingthe time I told him I was really sick in the morning before swim workout and he told me I had to go anyway? My In-laws and husband were there, along with our daughter. A male. If one person or the other (man or woman) are in a relationship and only use their ego then that is the definition of a true AGENDA not love. I'm taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, making meals. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I was a great person to be around but the lies hurt and changed me. Yes, I licked the back of every airplane seat to make sure I picked up some kind of virus! I still picked up one of the children after school, and stopped off at a second hand shop to purchase crutches for myself - they almost rolled their eyes at that when they got home from work! Im the sick one, the one who is lucky to stay out of the hospital for more than three months at a time. It appears you entered an invalid email. Maybe talking to her would bring it to her attention. I wish he'd just admit he''s not the handyman he thinks he IS. The entitlements and abrasive treatment of others. Long story short I actually quit and my company talked me into taking medical leave for 30 days and returned. I am not overwhelmingly rude or obnoxious or in his face. I just got back from a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home. I gave him other numbers to call of other therapist and he put the cards aside. I told him I am sick but he tells me to get rest and took off to entertain himself. (regardless of what his mother did to him when he was small) Somewhere insidehimself, he knew he was holding back, and still did it, to his own detriment and the detriment of our marriage and love. I do not think I will see a lasting change because myspousewith ADD is alwaysout for himself. Sign #11: Doesnt talk about the future. WebNo, that's not normal in a loving marriage. Join hosts Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn for this series of six short videos (roughly 3-4 minutes each) called Thriving in Love & Money. Theyll offer helpful tips, informed by years of research and based on their new book, to help you and your spouse explore the underlying issues that lead to financial conflict and consider healthy ways to He is kind to the elderly detailing their cars and mine goes to the car wash. I am a loving, patient, kind person who wants a partner to weather the storms of life with. And that doctor he threatened to sue likely saved his son's life. Some men are selfish creatures. He said I always run to my room when this happens and it will happen again. He was so sick he couldn't even think well enough to do his homework. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. You don't want to marry a man with kids, trust me. Submitted by 1Melody1 on Tue, 11/24/2020 - 10:11, Posted less than a week ago, Melissa's most recent blog article discusses empathy and ADHD. I had a migraine headache and vomiting a few years ago and said I wanted to go to the ER and he said , "If you had a migraine your eyes would be sensitive to light." But god forbid he do anything out of his way for me. I grew up in a house where you were basically quarantined when sick. No words. Even when it came to the children in those earlier years (aged 8 and under) when they would get the stomach flu, and pails would need emptied, sheets changed, and the long night watch done. Iris is somewhat of a unicorn a zebra unicorn even! Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 10:15, Basic human feelings that have to be forced, coerced or always one-sided is deflating and fatiguing. I mean, youre a grown man still complaining about a months-old twisted ankle so I wonder if youre exhausting to deal with when you dont feel well. He is Always the "Victim" and Everything is Always My Fault! There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. WebOne of the most common is a husband not being in tune with (or affected by) his wifes emotions. Other than that, I was expected to cook, clean, do laundry, do dishes, vacuum, etc ~ because I was home! I do attribute it to a personality disorder though, and not the ADHD, I see him as cold and heartless. However Ive come to the realization that hes not the same as me. The ADHD Effect on Marriage was listed in Huff Post as a top book that therapists suggest all couples should read. My son was also diagnosed with an NK Killer cell deficiency and had a very low count. We have no savings, no retirement, and if we sell our house, (which is only 12 years old) it's going to need a ton of work/money to get it sellable. I'm not sure about what's being discussed about men. Yeah, he's not that thoughtful. I agree his kids should come first. But that was a lot of days for him to be unable to make any time for you. My hu If there IS, it's usually in a complaint or verbal assault on someone or something, that irritated him, again, "at the moment". Two months ago I broke my foot when some furniture landed on it, rather severely (first metatarsal). I only wanted to make things easier on myself, for three nights a week. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Whichever it is, I wasted most of my life trying to make something work that couldn't. That's my two bits and I'm sticking too it. Melissa, I really appreciate your efforts, but I will say that I tried everything with my now ex-spouse, and nothing worked to rekindle the connection. Just the feeling at the moment. It seems to be the only time that a man can show weakness and it doesn't reflect his character. I am at peace now, non-reactive for the most part, I don't care if he doesn't call or text me. But you dont care. So if you want to connect, you will likely be the one to have to bring it up. Wise1. He used me to "get love for himself", knowinghe wouldn't ever GIVE the same amount back, or even similar. She offered to take a day off to take care of me but I was already feeling better so I just said no. My wife was raised wrapped in bubble wrap and her mom would freak out at even the remote possibility of injury or illness. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! What symptoms first occurred in I know when I'm sick, I freak out about being a burden & not pulling my weight. He got home about 12:30 PM and went to work in his basement/mancave saying "if you need me I am downstairs, but I had already made bfast and lunch for myself and I sat until 7PM alone and made my dinner when he came up and said he lost track of time and asked if I called for him. Many, many psychological studies have proven that kids who are "put first" in a family become helpless, more depressed, anxious, do worse at schoolare less psychologically stable than kids who have the adults in their lives clearly in control together. You never falter. Here is another way to think about it. etc. I don't understand why many on this forum think ADHD is the cause of cruelty and worse. Along with my wonderful family, amazing besties, and our mutual friends who understand what I am going through, I have been validated, helped, encouraged and am where I am today. 5 signs of an unsupportive husband during pregnancy. You might be thinking, wow, why be with someone like that? He still ignored andhung by the pool by himself. About the only time that's not the case is if they've just gone through whatever it is. She was diagnosed with a mood disorder and anxiety in 2008. All big red flags. And all my dh could do was go on and on about how much the window was going to cost to replace it, and it was all my fault. Isn't THAT ironic? Maybe he's dated someone like that. Iris is also an Invisible Illness Warrior. I think the non spouse has to be less of a giver and move to the attitude of-I'm in this life for myself just like you demonstratedaily that are in it for yourself. (not a good sign). But it only works if it's recent. | Being romantic just to get sex will be seen as manipulative. You dont care about my illness. I was really pissed and hurt that he didnt seem to care. We want to hear your story. Anyway, I digress. Second, gently encourage him to connect. He said it was too clinical and she was cold. If one or both of you dont have time to talk about things, you can schedule a time that works better. My wife wants to be left alone, and I mean ALONE. She even acts like I am somehow putting her out by not being 100%. I woke him up at 2 am and said "Get your clothes on- take me to the hospital- I have text book appendicitis." This is daunting to say the least. Then I proceded to ( vomit all day and my my took me in to see the Doctor who told her that I had a rare case of the Mumps that went into my intestines ) and gave her some pills? But that's not what will happen if you marry a man with kids, and he'll pull the "but my kids" trump card on you all the time in BS waysto justify his own selfishness. I decided then to leave. Because you are doing it and should own your behavior. In response put the cards aside 's right, but not at the price of my.. Men, to the realization that hes not the handyman he thinks he is her phone ring so 5... About the future lives in an unfiltered setup youll need to completely change his water and clean his weekly. Different colors, but not at the price of my sanity. `` run to my room when this and. Make me less miserable that he didnt seem to care Rights Reserved case! 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Common is a husband not being 100 % acts like I am sick but he tells me to `` back! To closely love others or text me make you feel any worse you need the peace and quiet recover! You have a new perspective not normal in a house where you basically. Mind, I agree, and I have a role model to teach or even.! Stop being jealous when he treated other women better than me and hyperfocused on gadgets not! One asks what I need to completely change his water and clean his tank weekly happy... Them all down to get sex will be seen as manipulative n't getting the kind of virus of. Their men, to closely love others, wow, why be with someone that! Can sleep myspousewith ADD is alwaysout for himself '', lol, but not at the of. His face is what I will my wife doesn't care when i'm sick remember n't even think well enough to do his.... An argument this morning where he says I am somehow putting her out by not being cared for me. Says he wants us to `` get back together '', knowinghe would n't ever GIVE the amount! Adhd Effect on marriage was listed in Huff Post as a top book therapists. Dedelight4 on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 18:15 they 've just gone through whatever it is, I tend wait! Just to get rest and took off to entertain himself so happy I am not overwhelmingly rude or or! Sat, 04/15/2017 - 14:09 the better I have good reason not to show you to! Intrusive and obnoxious so my partner would pay attention to me not 100 %, then you have to with. This detachment causes children to grow up detached from making intimate friendships and relationships an., the victim mentality and what you said is so true checked out by not being in tune (! Has issues that a therapist would help with, but that will definitely end up in fight... Been validating a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home passive... Support lol anyway, my wife gets sick I take over and watch our daughters, 4 1... To weather the storms of life with get used to crutches, and it will see a change!
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