More than 1,500 individuals and about 100 German groups have signed this platform. More on the history of the RFID technology is visible here . [4] IG Farben scientists made fundamental contributions to all areas of chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry. Gentlemen who are sent abroad should be made to realize that it is their special duty to represent National Socialist Germany. "IG Farben-Haus, Geschichte und Gegenwart" (in German). Below is an excerpt from a BBC documentary about an Auschwitz survivor who for years tried to get compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her. Although cartels were attempted, they lasted at most for a few years. The German conglomerate came under Allied powers after the end of World War Two and was ordered to dismantle ( here ). Plus is there a Jeffrey Epstein vigilan. Exactly how much money Epstein had and how he acquired his wealth remain subjects of some mystery, but he was not the "primary stockholder" of Moderna, and he was already worth a reputed nine figures well before the 2010 founding of that company. "The Hollerith office at IG Farben in Monowitz used the IBM machines as a system of computerization of civil and slave labor resources. Farben) IG 1998 IG195220121031 Ghislaine Maxwell finds herself in more trouble in New York and she has this issue in common with Lisa Marie Presley. The patients were suffering from, and in many cases had been deliberately infected with, typhoid, tuberculosis, diphtheria and other diseases, then were given preparations named Rutenol, Periston, B-1012, B-1034, B-1036, 3582 and P-111. Updates? They were chemical and drug companies. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. Farben in Liquidation from the 1950s to 1990", "Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings, Case #6, The IG Farben Case", "Fritz (Friedrich Hermann) ter Meer (18841967)", "Ehemalige Zwangsarbeiter gehen leer aus", Carr, Jay. Also presided over the GfK (Society for Consumer Research) and the Foreign Trade Committee of the BDI, Federation of German Industry. Saved by a Russian doctor who evacuated her to Dachau, she recovered and eventually settled in Scotland. Its candidate, mRNA-1273, is already in late-stage human trials testing its ability to safely prevent coronavirus infection ( here , here ). 1 6 1925 . In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, John D., Sr. (1839-1937) and his brother William Rockefeller (1841-1922) amassed the largest private fortune in history, primarily through . Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). One of the most prominent ones was the German chemical and drug company IG Farben, which had a factory complex near Monowitz (the slave labor camp at Auschwitz) and actually housed the IBM facilities there. [7], The company had ties in the 1920s to the liberal German People's Party and was accused by the Nazis of being an "international capitalist Jewish company". IG Farben is infamous for its mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. [24] In contrast, the chairman of Bayer, Carl Duisberg, argued for a merger. Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Soviet liberation of the Nazi death camp, Auschwitz. Profits of the three firms were pooled, with BASF and Bayer getting 43 percent each and Agfa 14 percent of all profits. [47] A Bayer employee wrote to Rudolf Hss, the Auschwitz commandant: "The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. Profit urber alles that means ANYTHING goes profit above all else. Resumed his position at Bayer. In the Auschwitz files, correspondence between the camp commander and Bayer Leverkusen was discovered. Although it is nearly 60 years since the end of World War II, for survivors like Zoe the consequences of the war are as alive today as they were in January 1945 when the Russian Army liberated Auschwitz. It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IG preparations only took place in the interests of the IG, which strived by all means to determine the effectiveness of these preparations. The IG Farben Pharmaceutical Conglomerate simply morphed into U.S. Pharma Eventually, scientists of the early 1980s figured out a way to transfer the genes of anything that kills bugs and weeds and put them into the seeds of corn and soy, two of the MOST POPULAR staple crops for the basis of most US food products. Let that sink in. Another longtime Bayer employee, Helmut Vetter, also worked as a SS doctor at Auschwitz. On paper everything was legally correct: Julius Israel Kohn from the Association of Jews in the German Reich and Bernhard Hoffmann, the representative of IG Farben, signed the sales agreement in a notarys office, and the copy of this seemingly standard real estate transaction has a stamp from the Krefeld tax office. Tens of thousands of users are sharing a series of claims that link Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein to Moderna, one of the leading contenders in the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Moderna: formerly German Chemical Co. IG Farben manufactured deadly gases for Hitler's gas chambers, former CEO Anthony Fauci, funded by Bill Gates Bayer parent co. also owns MONSANTO. In 1908 Hoechst and Cassella acquired 88 percent of the shares of Chemische Fabrik Kalle. According to our faith, taking possession of the cemetery without exhuming the bodies is tantamount to defiling the graves.. [35] The company is perhaps best known for its role in producing the poison gas Zyklon B. [8] The company ended up being the "largest single contribution" to the successful Nazi election campaign of 1933;[33] there is also evidence of "secret contributions" to the party in 1931 and 1932. He enrolled at Harvard University in 1973, seven years after Dr. Fauci graduated from Cornell, and dropped out to co-found Microsoft Corp ( ). The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events A Five-Part, FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Childrens Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability, Copyright 2023 Alliance for Human Research Protection, Auschwitz: 60 Year Anniversary the Role of IG Farben-Bayer, Rath Foundation. [218] The company placed itself under a large burden of guilt due to its heavy involvement in the planning, preparation and implementation of both . Wake up people! The concentration camps were used as a huge laboratory for human experimentation, says Wolfgang Eckhart, the Professor of Historical Medicine at Heidelberg University. [38] One of IG Farben's subsidiaries supplied the poison gas, Zyklon B, that killed over one million people in gas chambers. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937,[5] and three company scientists became Nobel laureates: Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius in 1931 "for their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods",[6] and Gerhard Domagk in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". According to prisoner-physicians who witnessed the experiments, after being given the drugs the women would experience circulation problems, bloody vomiting, and painful diarrhea "containing fragments of mucus membrane". Now living in Dundee, she tells her story in a BBC documentary. Farben Hell's Cartel was THE pivotal company without whom Hitler could not have implemented his industrialized "scientific" Holocaust. Join my Awakened Warriors Email List - Out My Merch Here - https://awakenwithjp.comWhen. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. As documents show, IG Farben was intimately involved with the human experimental atrocities committed by Mengele at Auschwitz. A spokesperson told the BBC: Between 1925 and 1952, no company named Bayer existed, neither as a subsidiary of IG Farben nor as any other legal entity. German/Italian/French/Spanish newsletters also available. In 1913 these eight firms produced almost 90 percent of the world supply of dyestuffs and sold about 80 percent of their production abroad. It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and patented it under US2006257852. [12][13] One of its subsidiaries supplied the poison gas, Zyklon B, that killed over one million people in gas chambers during the Holocaust. A video featuring these claims shared over 47,000 times on Facebook is visible here . [44], Staff of the Bayer group at IG Farben conducted medical experiments on concentration-camp inmates at Auschwitz and at the Mauthausen concentration camp. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus. This gave Farben the opportunity to identify people with certain skills, primarily skills needed for the construction of certain buildings in Monowitz." . The judges were Curtis Grover Shake (presiding), James Morris, Paul M. Hebert, and Clarence F. Merrell as an alternate judge. Volume X: The I.G. Farbenindustrie and the Control Thereof", formalized the seizure for "knowingly and prominently building up and maintaining German war potential". We address some of the world's most pressing global challenges and continue to develop new solutions. "IG Farben was one of the largest chemical and drug producers in the world. [61] Wurster became chair of the IG Farben board, helped to reestablish BASF as a separate company, and became an honorary professor at the University of Heidelberg. But I was one of the very few lucky ones who managed to survive. Two years earlier, another part of Hoechst was sold in 1997 to the chemical spin-off of Sandoz, the Muttenz (Switzerland) based Clariant. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. IG Farben's next racket - vitamin over-regulation "In 1942, the deaths of six million Jews were sealed with the decisions made at the Wannsee Conference. Some iterations of the claim also falsely state that Soros was a Nazi. Zoe Polanska Palmer never imagined she would survive Dr Mengeles experiments in Auschwitz. [12][45] During World War II, IG Farben established a synthetic oil and rubber plant at Auschwitz in order to take advantage of slave labour; the company also conducted drug experiments on live inmates. It had been continually criticized over the years for failing to pay compensation to the former labourers; its stated reason for its continued existence after 1952 was to administer its claims and pay its debts. Contrary to other industries, the founders and their families had little influence on the top-level decision-making of the leading German chemical firms, which was in the hands of professional salaried managers. The main false claims presented in these posts are that Dr. Anthony Fauci was the first CEO of Moderna; that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci were college roomates; that George Soros was the founder of Moderna and that Jeffrey Epstein was the main investor of Moderna until his death. But Moderna's is much easier to get from . One product crucial to the operations of the Wehrmacht was synthetic fuel, made from lignite using the coal liquefaction process. Price as of February 24, 2023, 4:00 p.m. With Moderna (IG Farben) now responsible for over 4000 deaths, and the number of evidence of a scam piling up faster than the bodies, it's time the guilty parties got addressed. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to seven years in prison. In France tablissements Poulenc Frres and Socit Chimique des Usines du Rhne merged to form Rhne-Poulenc in 1928. [56] The general manager of Degesch is said to have learned about the gassings from Kurt Gerstein of the SS. Weiler Ter Meer (1.9 percent). Not long after, in 1956, Ter Meer was elevated to the chairman of the supervisory board at BAYER, a position he held for seven years. An indictment was filed on May 3 naming twenty-four defendants, all in the IG Farben industrial concern, and listing five counts: the planning, preparation . However, there is an important . IG Farben used slave labor from the Monowitz camp and IBM's technology to keep track of them. If all goes "well" it'll become federal law to get the. IG Farben, in full Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, (German: "Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations"), world's largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. [70] All were cleared of the first count of waging war. There is also a fifteen years age difference between Gates, born in 1955, and Fauci, born in 1940 ( here ). [59] Charles Coward, a British POW who had been held at Auschwitz III, told the IG Farben trial: The population at Auschwitz was fully aware that people were being gassed and burned. Nzvy. The biotech made history by beginning a Phase 1 study of the vaccine within 63 days of receiving the new. Learn more about it here. You have to drink the Kool Aid , by law! Bayer has worked in good faith with the German government to establish a fund to help those who have suffered. Aerial photograph of Auschwitz, June 1944, showing the IG Farben plant, Peter Hayes (2001): "[I]t was Zyklon B, a granular vaporizing pesticide, that asphyxiated the Jews of Auschwitz, and a subsidiary of IG, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Schdlingsbekmpfung MbH (German Vermin-Combating Corporation), or Degesch, that controlled the manufacture and distribution of the Zyklon. The first such patent was taken out in 1973 by Mario Cardullo, and the patent number provided in the message text (US2006257852) actually points to a patent related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus rather than any RFID technology. Dr. Anthony Fauci is not listed in Modernas board of directors ( here ), scientific advisory board ( here ) nor its managements team ( here ). Farben at Nuremberg", "Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. (Read: Rath Foundation. I still find it difficult to take aspirin, she says. is alluded to after that. In Germany a growing number of people do not understand that IG Farbens successors Bayer, BASF and Hoechst still refuse to apologize for their misdeeds. [28], Within the Dreibund, Bayer and BASF concentrated on dye, while Agfa increasingly concentrated on photographic film. I. G. Farbenindustrie AG (German for 'Dye industry syndicate stock corporation'), commonly known as IG Farben (German for 'IG Dyestuffs'), was a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate. [71] Ambros, Btefisch, Drrfeld, Krauch and ter Meer were convicted of "participating in enslavement and deportation for slave labor".[72]. At the same time as Dr. Joseph Mengele, experimented in Auschwitz with medications that were designated B-1012, B-1034, 3382 or Rutenol. [1] The supervisory board members became widely known as, and were said to call themselves jokingly, the "Council of Gods" (Rat der Gtter). (Cassella at first held out and was not absorbed by IG Farben until 1937.). IG Farben was founded on December 25, 1925 as a merger of the following six companies: BASF (27.4 percent of equity capital), Bayer (27.4 percent), Hoechst including Cassella and Chemische Fabrik Kalle (27.4 percent), Agfa (9.0 percent), Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron (6.9 percent) and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Three major firms BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, produced several hundred different dyes. [6] Gerhard Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". Fauci also graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1966 and therefore could not possibly have been college roommates with technology mogul Bill Gates, who attended Harvard College for a few years in the mid-1970s. Now suffering from cancer, she is a remarkably cheerful woman whose home in a quiet suburb is punctuated with laughter from her jokes and tears from her memories. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [62] Drrfeld was sentenced to eight years, but had his sentence commuted to time served in 1951 by John McCloy, the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, under massive political pressure, after which he joined the management or supervisory boards of several chemical companies. You want to know who is behind all of this? This is a good moment to sort out the nonsense claims and Internet rumors about Soros and the verified truth, which is bad enough. [55] According to the post-war testimony of Rudolf Hss, the Auschwitz commandant, he was asked by Walter Drrfeld[de], technical manager of the IG Farben Auschwitz plant, whether it was true that Jews were being cremated at Auschwitz. Now living in Dundee, Scotland, she tells her story in a BBC documentary. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. These people were first infected on purpose through pills, powdered substances, injections or enemas. In the United Kingdom Brunner Mond, Nobel Industries, United Alkali Company and British Dyestuffs merged to form Imperial Chemical Industries in September 1926. IG Farbenindustrie AG. For years an Auschwitz survivor has tried to win compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her. Reuters previously debunked this claim here, Moderna was founded in 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A German watchdog organization, the GBG Network, maintains copious documents and tracks Bayer Pharmaceutical activities.. IG Farben, in full Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, (German: Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations), worlds largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. [42], This message was repeated by Wilhelm Rudolf Mann, who chaired a meeting of the Bayer division board of directors on 16 February 1938, and who in an earlier meeting had referred to the "miracle of the birth of the German nation": "The chairman points out our incontestable being in line with the National Socialist attitude in the association of the entire 'Bayer' pharmaceutica and insecticides; beyond that, he requests the heads of the offices abroad to regard it as their self-evident duty to collaborate in a fine and understanding manner with the functionaries of the Party, with the DAF (German Workers' Front), et cetera. Pharmaceuticals. Finally, the video claims Epstein, the billionaire financier who died in prison while awaiting a trial for sex-trafficking charges, was a major. IG's 42.5 percent of the stock in Degesch translated into three seats on its Administrative Committee, occupied by members of Farben's own, Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 11:36, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1939", United Nations War Crimes Commission 1949, "IG Farben-Haus, Geschichte und Gegenwart", "Joseph Borkin, Antitrust Lawyer, Author Dies", "I.G. After the end of the second world war, IG Farben is liquidated by George Soros; rebranded as Moderna. Please prepare for us 150 women in the best health possible () , Received the order for 150 women. record, we note the following: 1) Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has never been the CEO of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Moderna. Not the SS but the IG took the initiative for the concentration camp experiments.. Corrections? The Hidden History of Bayer: IG Farben, Standard Oil, Wall Street, Nazi Germany (Video) March 29, 2016 Big Pharma. may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face . Sign up and be the first to find out the latest news and articles about what's going on in the medical field. The allegations presented in social media posts are unfounded. 9". Farbenindustrie A.-G. [t.j. bez medzery pred G] alebo I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G.. Po druhej svetovej vojne sa koniec nzvu psal novm pravopisom AG a niekedy sa aj vynechvali bodky na zaiatku nzvu, v dsledku oho sa cel nzov niekedy uvdzal ako IG Farbenindustrie AG. [46], For one experiment, which tested an anaesthetic, Bayer had 150 women sent from Auschwitz to its own facility. (This latter group was called the Dreibund, or Triple Confederation.) In 1916, at the height of World War I, the rival groups joined forces and, with the addition of other firms, formed the Interessengemeinschaft der Deutschen Teerfarbenfabriken (Syndicate of German Coal-Tar Dye Manufacturers). Of course all of the Farben people knew what was going on. In September 1944 Fritz ter Meer, a member of IG Farben's supervisory board and future chair of Bayer's board of directors, and Ernst Struss, secretary of the company's managing board, are said to have made plans to destroy company files in Frankfurt in the event of an American invasion. A Cornell graduate by the name of Anthony Fauci, who was a roommate with none other than We will contact you shortly about a new shipment (). Not a single member of the management of IG Farben before 1933 supported the Nazi Party; four members, or a third, of the IG Farben supervisory board were themselves Jewish. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of According to a DW report here , IG. The companys contribution to this fund amounted to more than 40m.. In 1925, after protracted legal and fiscal negotiations, the big IG was formed: assets of all constituent companies were merged, with all stock being exchanged for BASF shares; BASF, the holding company, changed its name to IG Farbenindustrie AG; headquarters were set up in Frankfurt; and central management was drawn from the executives of all constituent companies. The scientific value of all these experiments, whether ordered by the IG Farben or not, was in fact zero. They want us all to die so they wont have to pay out so much money, Zoe says. Moderna, Inc., a biotechnology company, discovers, develops, and commercializes messenger RNA therapeutics and vaccines for the treatment of infectious diseases, immuno-oncology, rare diseases,. As almost all its assets and all its activities had been transferred to the original constituent companies, IG Farben was from 1952 largely a shell company with no real activity. Marketing was split among four sales commissions. When the conglomerate was dismantled, Soros was a teenager. Let's just look at three recognizable symbols and unmask the truth! As of 2012[update] it still existed as a corporation in liquidation.[90]. Never again! states that without verification of the past we always have to be present so that these crimes might never happen again. Neither were production or distribution facilities consolidated nor did the commercial staff cooperate. In 1939 a "Drug Trust" alliance was formed by the Rockefeller empire and the German chemical company IG Farben (Bayer). [87] Its stock (denominated in Reichsmarks) traded on German markets until early 2012. Moderna raised even more the next year. Not the SS but the IG took the initiative for the concentration camp experiments. Of the 50 typhoid sufferers given 3852, 15 died; 40 of the 75 tuberculosis patients given Rutenol died. I. G. Farbenindustrie AG (German for 'Dye industry syndicate stock corporation'), commonly known as IG Farben (German for 'IG Dyestuffs'), was a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate.Formed in 1925 from a merger of six chemical companiesBASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler Ter Meer[1]it was seized by the Allies after World War II and divided back into its constituent companies. [5] Several IG Farben scientists were awarded a Nobel Prize. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994. Unfounded claims falsely link Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein to the potential coronavirus vaccine developer Moderna. Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history. BAYER today is living off the fruits of Nazi legalism. "Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. In 1933, the largest cartel in the world, IG Farben, enabled Hitler's rise to power. This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 11:36. IG Farben dodali injekce a prky, kter lkai SS ochotn vyzkoueli. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. But she has never been able to have children. Takto se postupovalo i pi zkouen lk na tuberkulzu, antibakterilnch i hormonlnch ppravk a dalch. All test persons died. Some iterations of the claim also falsely state that Epstein generated his fortune through Moderna, but by 2010 when the company was founded, Epsteins fortune was already well established. [8] A decade later, it was a Nazi Party donor and, after the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933, a major government contractor, providing significant material for the German war effort. In this context, 18 U.S. Code 1002 makes it illegal to manufacture or possess false . Reuters found no publicly available evidence linking Moderna to Epstein nor to any of his firms: Financial Trust Company, founded in 1988, previously J. Epstein & Company here and Southern Trust, founded in 2012 here . As the world marks the passing of the soon-to-be 101st anniversary of the use of poison gas on the battlefield, James Corbett of The Corbett Report takes a moment to note some of the dark legacy of Bayer that the . I remember one of the SS doctors holding my jaw open and forcing pills down my throat. They let the SS deal with the shall I say dirty work in the concentration camps. So now you've got Bill Gates, you've got Anthony Fauci, you've got George Soros, all involved in this whole Moderna thing. "community of interest"). SAME Chinese Company making the Canadian Vaccine! Peter Hayes writes that the board did not meet after 1940, and that although Mann "continued to review the monthly sales figures for Degesch, he could not necessarily have inferred from them the uses to which the Auschwitz camp was putting the product". There she underwent several painful operations to repair the damage done to her body. The remaining property, worth DM21 million (6.7 million or 10.7 million), went to a buyer. The judges ruled that the prosecution had not shown that the defendants or executive board "had any persuasive influence on the management policies of Degesch or any significant knowledge as to the uses to which its production was being put". In Auschwitz settled in Scotland du Rhne merged to form Rhne-Poulenc in 1928 and was to... France tablissements Poulenc Frres and Socit Chimique des Usines du Rhne merged to form Rhne-Poulenc 1928! Farben is liquidated by George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein to the potential coronavirus vaccine Moderna... 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