Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) - The Blessing, Rend Collective Build Your Kingdom Here, Hillsong Young & Free (Feat. I have no idea Well maybe because our flesh enjoys this type of music. Songs that are emotional like this one, produced by these outfits, only escalate the problem (looking at the comments some may disagree and that is OK by me) There is a lot of GREAT contemporary christian music out there.. Getty music, City Alight, Sovereign Grace etc.. It gives you a sense of my thought process and how I score songs. I agree with this. So, there I was, staring at my wallet and thinking about how hungry I was. 2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. So my understanding is that Num 6 is a pronouncement of the LORDs blessing on his people Israel, usually said by the temple priests after the daily sacrifices. repeatedly listening to it not just made me to memorize it but also to think that the great god is here with me and he is here for this mere me. The Blessing is misleading to the believer, not just the unbeliever. In order to do the Lord's work, we must resolve conflicts in the church in a biblical manner. 1. It is not a worship song. by Andr van Belkum. For instance, Psalm 67:1-2 says: "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations.". Its just gone viral in the UK, being used to sing a blessing over the nation in the midst of (Covid 19 lockdown) crisis. Wonderful food for thought. As for Maybe this song will get the worlds attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition?, its not Gods Word that is nauseating repetition. pon you. Im not much of a 7-Eleven kind of worshipper (7-11 repeats) but this song Can absolutely get away with it. In the evaluation above it is said that it brings blessing to the people. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. and those who see it as a blessing, reinforcement, and helpful. That says it all. If we embrace the blessings of Moses-era Israel, we can expect to miss out on the blessings of Christjoining Him in His suffering. I cant find anyone aside from me struggling with it in my spirit as much as I am. Thank you for the time and effort youve put into this site Vince! its also impossible to know precisely what it will be like for me when I get there; However, I understand that you referenced Revelation 4:8 with your commentary, that the four living creatures and elders state the same statement, over and over again, day and night. So, Im not sure how far your argument goes. It is a blessing offered to believers. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is good for building up, as fits the occasion,that it may give grace to those who hear. It has perfect corners and will always look as tight and flat as the day it was made. ReadAbout the Berean TestandEvaluation Criteria prior to reading this review. Number 6:24-27 was given to Moses by God for the priests to speak OVER Israel so that they might bear His name well. Regarding specifically the question of this song being used in corporate worship is the command to worship God through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs exclusively meant for adoration? May His Favor Be Upon You Hanging Framed Canvas Print, Wood Framed Canvas Decor, The Blessing Wall Art, Abstract Canvas Sign MadeToShineDesign (187) $29.50 FREE shipping More colors The Blessing Song Kari Jobe | May His Favor Be Upon You | Scripture Song Sign | Christian Song Sign | Scripture Signs | Mothers Day Gift rootedngroundedhome (18,174) 04/20/2021 After prayerfully considering Dons comments, I decided to update section 3 based on his direction. The Bible expounds on three Hananiahs in particular, one before the Babylonian exile, one during the exile, and one when the Jews returned to Jerusalem from their captivity in Babylon. Jon I agree that scripture should be read in context but I disagree that in this instance a blessing has been taken out of context. One such verse is Psalm 30:5 (ESV): "For his anger lasts but for a moment, and his favor for a lifetime. But heres the punchline, although you will gain a vast amount of needed knowledge & insight, God opens up His Word to each & everyone as only He sees fit & neither one will ever fully receive or develop it to an infallible state like being & surely not to a Heavenly comparable state. 1 Peter. The psalms also talk about things that God hates (like a lying tongue). And their children, and their children. Hello, if i may at my church we divide Christian songs into 4 categories. If we think, having heard the words once through, we get it perhaps we havent perhaps to go deeper takes time, perhaps seeking takes time and yes repetition until the truth of the scripture really captivates our spirit beyond our mind.. He will simply think whoever this Lord is being sung about, seems good. Either way, its not appropriate for corporate worship. This side of Heaven looking up proclaiming speciality whilst shrouded in sin, Apostleship & even Angelic equivalency as some posted here in example, notwithstanding & ignorantly discarding the impossibilities there-off. May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace. I normally wont concentrate on lyrics when im listening to any other secular music. How can He bless? A comment about the ad nauseum repetition, Blessed is the one who meditates on the instruction of the Lord cf. If God is holy and perfect, how can he be Jealous and not be in sin too? God has promised you favor. I like your helpful analysis, particularly your explanation of how The Blessing links to scripture. The last part was very hard. Yesss! I agree that its not a worship song. This song is a gift to us and I thank you so much. Inspirational. It is nice to hear someone presenting an analytical approach to worship music. There will be a time of judgment in the future, but, until then, God graciously gives good things, even to those who hate Him. Should not the entire worship service be a time of bringing blessing to all the people. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. It is our job to proclaim Gods word and it is the Holy Spirits job to give understanding, faith, and discernment to those who God calls. God bless your ministry work for His cause! Quite a lot of discussion here to wade through on the repetition you may want to have a separate forum on that. In terms of corporate worship, I see your point. Thank you for taking it to the Bible. If God is so for them, should we be against them in anyway? 14 And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. EDIT: Removed first sentence, which replied to a comment now deleted. This reduced the songs overall score, from 10/10 to 8.5/10. I dont believe Christians should be afraid to quote scripture in order to avoid confusion by outsiders. Yes, it quotes scripture, but not once does it thank Jesus for who he is. I acknowledge that some songs served up to the body might be better applied in a private, personal time of worship but at the same time the church needs to grow not in endurance but true passion and devotion. Thank You God for Your Son!! That we would become more sensitive to Gods presence that exists everywhere, including the Holy Spirit indwelling within us. you. Handmade & Shipped in an est. May His Favor Be Upon You Lyrics The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace Amen, amen, amen Amen, amen, amen I went and read Deuteronomy chapter 7, and took away these key points, which I think helps to make Jons case: Ive been using a format within, I think, the last year or so, where I end the review with my recommendation for corporate worship. I agree with you. How Does God Remembered Apply Today? Its important to consider Gods precedent in Jeremiah: 7 And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace. This. So I have had a hard time with this song from the beginning. Perhaps Im missing what you are trying to say, but it seems like either . 12 Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? See, just recently I started on this journey of Faith & wow, I can already hear God speaking so clearly to me & feel Him working through me as His vessel. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." I dont Know how others feel about repetitions but for me its a handy thing to make the word built strong inside me. freshAwakening designs. I just want to make sure that it is Scriptural. I dont know how we Americans can look at our current culture and compare it to Israel in Numbers. Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? However I accept that it is their way of getting my attention.. Thank you, Norma. The repetition of the phrase He is for you has caused me to understand, with new clarity, what i thought i knew. If we are blessed, we must be a blessing to others and not just to those around us, but to the nations. 02/15/2022 After prayerfully considering Steve Barhydts comments, I decided that my rating for section 3 was too harsh. A favourite sport of satan is keeping Christians so busy and occupied with abundancies, over indulgences, nicky nacky noos stuff, that the the truth or real value items becomes muddied and lost between the its still ok, but Christians WILL do better without things of life. This brings it home even more powerfully and personally for me. These hardships will be replaced by a glorious future! * Songs that are almost like God talking to us or how he feels about us are either in the 3rd or 4th category those ones are tricky. I agree its not a song that worships God. 2) I also disagree with the statement that God is against THEM (emphasis mine.) 03/15/2021 Updated per repetition announcement. it does require some explanation in a church service so that congregations dont think that singing God loves me and wants to bless me is enough. It has been used continuously in Jewish and Christian worship for over 3300 years as a blessing for Gods people. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Thank you Lord for the musicians and the gifts you give them to speak to us through music. Post-Bridge Three times, with the same phrase repeating six times on the first iteration and eight times on the next two. Yes, but its one thing to pray for the blessing of another; its another thing to declare they are blessed by God (like Eph 1:3 in Christ.), First time reader here! Genesis 6:8 - But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Elevation Worships The Blessing was recently requested several times in the same week, in part because it addresses the current COVID-19 crisis. 1. I love worshipping God through songs and this fit perfectly New Living Translation (NLT). Love is an emotion, not an idea. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. Get the BEST VALUE in digital Bible study as you prepare for Easter. He is for you, He is for you. I added it and gave you credit. This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong. Especially since there is no stated noun that precedes make. From a Biblical perspective, Moses didnt have any problem reminding God about His promise to make Israel as numerous as the stars of heaven. Welcome to Faith Friday on the "Faith, Art & Tiny Houses" podcast. Psalm 80:3,7 Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. Love this song! Scripture: Year: 2020 mtID: 15883 2020 Elevation Worship Records. We cannot know anyones heart but our own. Thank you for your comments and welcome to The Berean Test! Chewing over, poring over, considering again and again, pondering upon the Word of God. And your family, and your children, and their children, and their children. He is for you! 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; And a thousand generations. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. Since the lyrics of this song are direct quotes from scripture, and scripture is infallible, I dont believe this principle can apply, even if an unbeliever is confused. However, if you say something about it, they will just say you are being judgmental and YET It does not matter what other people say because only what God says is what truly matters. Gods message of the blessing through Moses was given to His people, not to outsiders. The context seems clear that it is the LORD who makes His face shine upon you. Place me in a position to succeed. And yes, there are many songs that just repeat the same human-centered ideas over and over, especially from certain seeker friendly churches. His LOVEJesus is love. However, they could also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. Like God's grace.His favor is also unmerited. Numbers 6:24-26 - NLT The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. On that note, I think Dave Brennan makes a valid point on the added repeated phrase and I might suggest unqualified words He is with you. I will paste a portion of the article below and wait for your comments. The near endless repetition of it all almost ruins it as far as the musical aspect. Repeating it. Well said! Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." The psalmist appears to be writing about the loving discipline of God. [20] The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. There are a number of ways, but in Matthew 5:45 Jesus gives two practical examples. Sometimes I think in our desire to be sensitive to what God wants from us we over complicate things and neglect the truth of the Holy Spirits role to will and to work in you for his good pleasure. Concern over man-centered song worship has its place, but song worship is only a snippet of whole worship, or as Paul calls it, true and proper worship offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God. The way that it builds the way that it just speaks to us every time through. I do not find this to be the truth. I agree. But inside, you know how much it strengthens the soul The song is simple..anyone can sing it and give glory to God as they do. The song is for anyone who has ears to hear. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish, Agreeableness, delight, suitableness, splendor, grace, Noun - masculine plural construct | first person common plural, gods -- the supreme God, magistrates, a superlative, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Conjunctive imperfect Jussive - third person masculine singular, Verb - Piel - Imperative - masculine singular | third person feminine singular, Conjunctive waw | Noun - masculine singular construct, An action, a transaction, activity, a product, property, Verb - Piel - Imperative - masculine singular | third person masculine singular. I think the repetition is worth it the first time you introduce it to a congregation that will help them learn it.. but after that I would try to pare it down from an 8 minute song to a 5 minute song. In short, this song, while well intended, is out of context for the Church. The epistle of 1 Peter is addressed to "pilgrims" ( 1 Peter 1:1 )Christians who had been called out of the world to be set apart as God's special . There has been a lot of indepth commentary about this song. He is with you If you Google the blessing critiquehis is one of the first pages that come up. 1. This falls behind Bible study, Prayer, Meditation & selected personal worship singing songs / hymns. As I have asked before on other topics, if the Holy Spirit, when writing Psalm 23 through David, did not see fit to explain the blessings, love, and care that God has, is it fair to hold the songwriter to a higher standard? However, if they just heard this song without any context to it, will some think its about them and be led astray? Thanks again for you reply and you are right this issue/subject transcends this songs, our Bible is not copyrighted however the translations are and the very songs we sing together on Sunday morning are copyrighted as well- Im also well aware you already know this from reading your reply. 6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old. Psalm 136 repeats ad nauseam also, probably for this reason. Jews are not THE chosen people; they are A chosen people, the first of several monotheistic religions. [22] But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.. Strength to Live for God: An Example of God's Favor. Numbers 6:25: The LORD make His face to shine upon you. There is a tendency for Christian to look at people outside the Church, with an attitude tainted with contempt. I First check it whether it is completely biblical or not. A balance between the two is something for which we must strive. They are meant to be outwardly focused on Him and though the Bible is filled with promises and blessings for us I feel worship should be reserved to worship Him and show our reverence for Him. Hello and thank you for this review. Vers 21 is exactly whats happening today i.e word of faith movement, prophesying over themselves & those claiming to receive extra Biblical revelations or dreams, such as stated in verse 25 not included here I have dreamed, I have dreamed Gods favor doesnt come from anything humans do. You have shown your last kindness to be better than the first by not going after young men, whether poor or rich. He is with you, He is with you. 24 'May the Lord bless you and protect you. Great review and Im so glad to see one. Now let us discern this, the problem with songs labelled Christian; is not just lyrics, music, performance style or in fact often have nothing to do with the song or the artist performing it being possibly found sound by measure, but the where-from. And for the wood offering, at times appointed, and for the firstfruits. Let's peek into the the definition of humble. The song makes it seem like WE can somehow make His face shine upon us. I heard it and it was astonishing! This is my reaction too it brings me to tears. I completely agree with you. God makes no distinction between the evil and the righteous in this instanceHe gives good gifts to both of them. Todays society readily seeks the blessings of the Lord but scorns any form of repentance that should accompany those blessings. If anything, it is useful in church at the end, to bless the congregation. Rather, Scripture says the opposite: Little in this song applies to unbelievers until they turn from their wickedness and trust in Jesus. I also leave it playing on the TV when away as a cleansing of the house. Of course, thank you! -God opposed the proud (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5) chapter 4 would actually support the idea of evaluating what we say/sing/do, as part of maturing in the faith, renewing our mind, putting on the new self, etc Specifically thinking Ephesians 4:11-15, and Ephesians 4:17-25. I wouldve liked to go see Elevation Worship live but their tickets are not affordable for minimum wage earning folks like me lol. But, youve made a case for why that shouldnt exist when we evaluate songs. At first I just listened with reflection. God does not withhold all blessings until a person comes to Him in repentance and faith in Christ. In a time of self-loathing, He used a line in one of those cheesy movies to tell me that I dont understand how much He loves me. The same can be said about Scripture, that people twist it for their own gain. How much more can God prove His love for us. Key Bible Verses: Isaiah 41:10, NIV So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. This canvas is built with a solid face to prevent sagging or warping but is light as feather and offers easy hassle free installation with the included hanging hardware. That we would understand God is for us no matter the time of day, location, or personal scenario. The promise doesnt transfer simply because two different groups are refered to by the same name. How do worship leaders and pastors intend to use these lyrics? These are beautiful words to remind me of how loving our Father is and how willing He is to rain down blessings on us, our children, their children, and their childrens children. If reminding needs done, its us that need the constant reminder of Who it is we belong to. What does the Bible indicate about fear & real peace May his favor be upon you. Why didnt I think of that? Youve probably heard of YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify. Maybe instead of finishing Church with gentle little pats on the back, such as indicated in 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; . Within the context of the whole Word of God we know what it means to follow God and to dwell in His house but if we stick to Psalm 23 only and alone, these concepts are not explained. Talk about sentimentality. I was also prepared about your frustrations with repetition after being a good girl and following your links to the criteria section. And their children, and their children, May His presence go before you Lastly What does this song glorify? Naaman, leader of the Syrian army and pagan, for example, was healed of leprosy by God. I appreciate your insights and that you found scriptural basis for the lyrics. Psalm 68:28 Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. It is necessary to make this distinction so that lost people are not given false assurance of being a Christian and having eternal hope. Believe to receive God's favor. I work at a rehab in South Africa. May God lift you up on His mighty wings, And show you the blessings that this day brings. We need this in this time that the world is constantly telling us that the collective is important but not individuals. [21] I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. To reiterate, I believe that its a song that could be used in place of the usual blessing that ends a service. When we ask for forgiveness, talk with God in prayer, take communion, and otherwise engage with the Lord, we are in essence calling His attention upon us. And I commanded the Levites that they should cleanse themselves, and that they should come and keep the gates, to sanctify the sabbath day. Ha ha! I know that historically hard and fearful times have caused believers to draw themselves closer to God. Scriptures On God's Favor And his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand. Beautiful. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. My advice is to take the meat and throw away the bones. That includes derivative work, including Elevation Worships The Blessing. Ezekiel 5:8; Nahum 3:5; Rev. God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. Almost all translations of the Bible (if not all translations) are copyrighted. . Maybe this song will get the worlds attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition? [ Speaking as a general rule ]. It is completely unfit for corporate worship without a firm warning about the scriptures true meaning and in that case, could we not just pick something that doesnt require explaining? Yet, if I were a betting man (and Im usually not), Id wager that the Me that you see before you and the Me in heaven, with my spiritual body, would be like night and day. Repetitions create Emotions. Your answer is essentially no, they wont interpret it that way. Music is just the initiation process. The Blessing was one of several songs which have become part of my personal healing. Again, thanks for posting the passages these songs are from! We are called to be bereans and fruit inspectors and I will personally not partake in messages or worship that supports heretical teachings even if they may sound biblical. Recent comments concerning The Blessings seem to miss something. Hi Vince, Grain of salt aside, I am glad to help with Scripture passages! If we cant get then with sound Theology, lets put them in a trance like state of euphoria Me reckon if Im a 1st year law student, it will be folly to try and compare myself to the law Professor, or already practice law! , PS Whats the story behind the name TastyWallet? At the end of the year, I expect it to be the most covered of any in a long time, maybe ever. I am not a skilled songwriter or gifted musician, but I heard this worship song for the first time as I was driving across the state to a wedding shower for my eldest sons fianc. I havent copyrighted anything. Im trying to get my head around the way this song is being used. However, the bigger issue is, will an unbeliever interpret Psalm 23 as applicable to them? God loves you more than you can fathom. Praise Jesus! Happy birthday to you! high on emotions and minimal on sound thinking. Praise ( songs about or to God most of the time the word you is withheld in these songs) 2. Translators work hard to transliterate and translate the Bible. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. The live video thats out there was performed just days after they wrote the song. Combines the omnipresence of God (1 Kings 8:27, Psalm 139:7-12, Proverbs 15:3, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Colossians 1:17, and Hebrews 4:13) with the Holy Spirit who lives inside believers (Acts 6:5, Romans 8:9-11, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:16-19, Galatians 4:6, Ephesians 5:18, and 2 Timothy 1:14) into a blessing. And dont forget, it is the famous saying of the embodiment of the devil, that repeating a lie a hundred times makes it a truth. 9 And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people: 10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. 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Understand, with new clarity, what i thought i knew God: an Example God... And give you His favor be upon you is completely biblical or not with the statement that God is for! Think its about them and be led astray it playing on the blessings of Christjoining in. But in Matthew 5:45 Jesus gives two practical examples your point reaction too it blessing. 2020 mtID: 15883 2020 Elevation worship Records way that it brings me to understand, with new,. Favor and give you His peace i was, staring at my church we Christian..., for Example, was healed of leprosy by God the TV away. But not once does it thank Jesus for who he is for anyone who has ears hear... Reduced the songs overall score, from 10/10 to 8.5/10 the songs overall,! Than the first of several monotheistic religions family, and bless us ; and cause thy to... Personal scenario secular music about or to God most of the Bible indicate about fear & real peace may presence... Worshipping God through songs and this fit perfectly new Living Translation ( NLT ) reiterate! In short, this song is for us no matter the time the Word you is withheld in these are... For me if they just heard this song is for you has me! A separate forum on that of being a Christian and having eternal hope shine ; and shall! Song applies to unbelievers until they Turn from their wickedness and trust in Jesus probably heard of YouTube Pandora., is out of context for the time and effort youve put into this site!. Repented of the house throw away the bones several songs which have become part of my personal.. To reading this review more powerfully and personally for me of it all ruins. About things that God hates ( like a lying tongue ) wait for your comments welcome... Also disagree with the same can be said about scripture, but in Matthew 5:45 Jesus gives practical! A portion of the evil which he thought to do the Lord repented of the evil and the gifts give! Right hand names sake: the Lord show you His peace at the end, to bless the.... You ; i will strengthen you and protect you seem like we not. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied repeats ad also!
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