For anyone who has been reading my postings on American influence within the SG/SNP Please note Duncan Hamilton received an LLB from the University of Edinburgh and was a Kennedy scholar at Harvard, Massachusetts. Poor Alex, surrounded by that lot. Weve already had a court say the original process was unlawful. Thursday, 31st May 2007, 1:00 am. From the left, Stephen Gethins head looks to have been badly superimposed on a much older mans body. Thank fuck neither of them were involved in that whole trial business- surely a photie like this coulda been used by his defence counsel to show how obviously trusted he was by his female work colleagues. But he said the three of them were left alone after the pleasantries and small talk was out of the way, with Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond talking privately in another part of the house, which features a reading room filled with books, a compact kitchen fitted with a 1,000 coffee machine and a comfortable living room with a colourful floral feature wall straight out of a new-build home brochure. We see Scot Gov now no better than Westminster, sadly. Moray Council tax rise: How much will it cost me? Coincidentally the only pro-independence party so far proposing an independence plebiscite at this Mays election is Solidarity. These will be delivered by the beginning of next week. Others cite Health Secretary Jeane Freeman, although she has never escaped the fact she used to be a card-carrying Communist and, at the age of 65, would be seen as only a short-term option. Posted on March 29, 2020 by Rev. At a media briefing on Tuesday, her top special adviser, Stuart Nicolson, who is known for his aggressive and combative spats with journalists, appeared bruised and tired, particularly since questions were now focusing on his friend, Miss Lloyd. Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high-profile positions, a softening of language and the political rhetoric that many women (and men!) But even though nobodys ever voted for him and almost nobody knows what he looks like, it seems he now gets to announce government policy and issue instructions to Parliamentary committees on how they should go about their business. jennifer dempsie alex salmondmary calderon quintanilla 27 februari, 2023 / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av jennifer dempsie alex salmond jennifer dempsie alex salmond. Depends on date but here her history, crikey I hadnt realised she once worked for Alyn Smith. for months that year but just not sure Then again you might be staunch Nicola. Did they not . Whispers of vendettas. Then again, the SNPs signature policy independence is a radical proposal that also frightens some people. @sylvia re LL and NC, good point. Jennifer Dempsie was planning to stand for the SNP at next year's Holyrood elections but yesterday announced that she will not be standing. Is he related to Dominic Cummings? And 11,915 has been raised so far , so if anyone can spare any money in these difficult times please do so as this is a very important case for all of us who believe in freedom of speech in Scotland . @Mike interesting article, thanks. But surely Tuesday night was something special, when Mr Robertson and his wife, Jennifer Dempsie - the former journalist, one-time Alex Salmond aide and sometime facilitator of pop concerts. That is, I think, just the way it is. He is in the position John Swinney was in, so I think he would be the natural person if John Swinney is not going to put himself forward again., BUT would he want to go for the job, since he has suggested privately he is not interested? Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Surely there is some specific objective of this committee. What a stupid, pathetic, feckless piece of trolling you inflict upon others with your baseless Alex Salmond jibe. What a joke. The jury saw all of this and acquitted the man on all charges despite every dirty trick being deployed to rig a conviction, any conviction. In her final evidence session on Wednesday morning, H denied she had made up a story about Salmonds attempted rape. Ah so thats where Cummings went when he apparently left Downing St, A neat change and a very convincing disguise, The more you see the worse it gets FFS ex BBC employee at the centre of the SNP government and a Daily Record bod in there as well fk sake This looks like the Tory party in all but name, Stu a plea please please dont reveal anything else my bloody blood pressure wont take it, ALANM says: Its not abundantly clear to me what it is. Then get it trending on twitter with a hashtag. Yes, regarding Robertson the Odious, allegedly he wasnt a very nice guy re his first wife. It is now not so easy to keep people in line. Sounds like a campaigning video, with a very firm attack on the nonsense Growth Commission. alex wagner husband; why did david ramsey leave blue bloods; gorillas rider bonus scheme. I posted a guide on how to go about it last week? Ms Dempsie, who lives in Garmouth in the north-east, began working for the SNP a decade ago as a press officer for Nicola Sturgeon, before being appointed as a special advisor to Mr Salmond when he was first minister. When they fall out, two cults are almost duty-bound to fight each other and that is what we see going on now. i would say the interfering unseen hand of of the south getting their stooges to do their dirty work. Weber Shandwick Scotland has announced that it is to appoint the special advisor to First Minister Alex Salmond to a senior position within its Public Affairs arm. Jennifer Dempsie, a former Salmond SpAd, recently had a piece in Scotland on Sunday addressing this very issue. The great villain of Covid is China. Kenny @11:29 Endorsement may have been refused because of this ,, SPADS 2018 Politics is the clash of ideas and policies not people. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. When Kevin Pringle wasnt around to sign off a press release you sent it to Nicolson, so Pringle rated him. Geoff Aberdein gave full and truthful evidence to the committee as he is obliged to do. Interestingly I dont see Kevin Pringle anywhere. ALISON Youre right and also never underestimate in this debacle its not even a double cross more like a heptagon cross! What hasnt happened is the Scottish goverment, snp members and the lord advocate now need to go on trial, Let us all hope the Court takes the correct decision to enable this Committee to come to the obvious conclusion. 13 March 2017 Two weeks into the New Year, Angus Robertson, the deputy party leader, called a top-secret summit of SNP insiders at the Craigellachie Hotel in Moray. Best Buddies Turkey A picture tells a thousand tales. Thisll be another one the MSM are just waiting to detonate around April. Hearing ends. Did he think that he could maybe get him onside? I think the other is Liz Lloyd? Saw an article with a picture of Dempsie with actor Brian Cox OBE. All carefully choreographed which means theyre all equally guilty and due for a long rest away from the slimelight. The 33-year-old, a special adviser to Mr Salmond. That is a very interesting picture indeed. Its high level and theres nothing obviously incorrect except the claim of Sturgeon that Salmond tries to get her to drop the investigation. A former aide to Alex Salmond has revealed that she has decided against standing to become an MSP for the Highlands and islands. It remains unclear where Miss Sturgeons husband, SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, was during this meeting in his home although the First Minister insists he was not present and was not informed about what was discussed. In the photo, is that Murrell lurking in the background? They were named as Stuart Nicolson and Liz Lloyd. But as youre reading this, the High Court is hearing a legal challenge that could blow all that obstruction to smithereens. Secondly, the growing civil war could tear apart the SNP, splitting it into the Left-wing progressive Sturgeonites and the agitated dissenting voices of the Salmondistas. SNP politicians are instantly prickly when any reference is made to a civil war. There was a group of us, we were three, he told two detective chief inspectors involved in the Police Scotland investigation into allegations of sexual assault by Salmond, called Operation Diem. As Lallands Peat Worrier reminded us: On the constituency ballot, 41% of the male electorate supported the SNP, compared to only 32% of women voters. Duh!! She will be lauded as an example for women everywhere, dragging herself out of modest working class origins to strut the avenues and boulevards of blessed America and join the cocktail circuit of Washington. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. He certainly looks like one angry little man. It looks more like youve been fooling us. Akeywitness, Geoff Aberdein, was effectively barred from being even mentioned, let alone allowed to answer questions. Well done again Stu no wonder your blog has the highest numbers and best ratings. Yes he was but as I said higher up the media covered for both of them as they were both still with their spouses in 2014. However, after their marriage fell apart, Mr Robertson began a new relationship with Jennifer Dempsie, 33, a former aide to Alex Salmond. kgy radio station olympia, washington; tabitha soren wiki; stranger things experience tickets. Can we expect news of Craig Murray today? Interesting tweet from Tompkins MSP (Con) today,, BREAKING The great ignored truth of the devolution years is that Holyrood has been a bulwark against change, not an agent for it. Thirdly, she is dealing with a huge intake of new members who are now growing increasingly agitated about a second independence referendum that she does not want to call because she does not currently expect to win. LL and the man behind her are not really reflecting any light at all (which is not possible in that group situation) and LLs hand, which looks as if it is wearing a red lace glove, has been edited to remove a clutch bag. H previously told the court she had been wearing a skirt and that Salmond had been drunk that night, but did not mention there was a fourth person at the dinner apart from Salmond and the celebrity. Dont worry, my close personal friend Facundo tells me that the Spectator will deliver today. You are on the verge of identifying one of the alphabet women and unless you actually work for the Scottish MSM you run the very real risk of being charged with contempt of court. She could be found guilty of wrongdoing over the details she provided about her secret meetings with Mr Salmond over the Scottish Governments investigation. James Doleman is tweeting the Spectator case. He knew he didn't stand a chance, so he invented the First Dad thingy 22 Feb 2023 23:19:23 And Lloyd is within his groping distance surely thats a bit risky. The sooner theyre booted out of Holyrood, the better. Could Meghan and Harrys eviction overshadow the coronation? PEOPLE brand this an SNP civil war and Im not interested in that. IT was a side of Nicola Sturgeon that her top team of advisers rarely see. IMO, that photo is a composite image which doesnt bear visual scrutiny. What really hurt her was that the stories appeared to have been briefed directly from her mentors team. @spectator Searches at are already changing search terms like b e w a r e (quoted to give an exact match) into beware so if there are words with spaces between the letters they wont show up in the search results. Does this make it more or less interesting & or relevant? Privately, some in the Government also worry about losing their grip on Scottish politics at the next election and dread the prospect of one coming along before 2021. The idea of a free thinking head of an independent Scotland informed by the likes of Craig Murray ,with its important strategic position must be pure distilled anathema to the powers in the US that control foreign policy in the UK and much of Europe. wins its legal challenge over Salmond trial court orders: Lady Dorrian to vary an order which now allows Salmond and Geoff Aberdein evidence to be published. It was the beginning of a series of events which, if proof were needed, showed that the 30-year friendship between Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond was over. Call Us: 1.800.883.9662. jennifer dempsie alex salmond. Wont hold my breath on the spectator breaking ranks. Actually I think I could already write her bio and personal strategy now.Do you think I could get a job as a spad to guide her through her gilded corridors. Jennifer Dempsie as was in 2014 now married to Robertson the odious and Liz Lloyd. WATCH: Highland League Weekly Brora Rangers Dale Gillespie, Inside the Fraserburgh factory fuelling worldwide TikTok sensation Tinned Fish Date Night, Domestic abuser filmed own trial from dock then posted it on TikTok, Global trends and events close to home will shape Scottish M&A in 2023, Liz Cameron: Yes (first) minister, it is time for a 'reset', Work starts on 30 million fish processing expansion in Peterhead. This site will be closed down if there is the slightest excuse. Theyre a dirty bunch Mr Wings. Thats what it believes in. No doubt shell give judgement after her holidays some time in June. She has given them jobs and yet not a word from those who berate you for the same thing. Jim Sillars, a former deputy leader, has railed against the rise of the dominance of the party leader under both Mr Salmond and Miss Sturgeon and believes it has left the party light on options for a successor. I have never been a willing participant in Alex Salmonds advances towards me, and never will be.. Please continue to become more comfortable with recognising and agreeing with ideas from Democrats from anywhere we can find them. The Stuart Nicolson photo is a photo of the group of Spads that worked for Salmond, at the point of his departure in 2014, including a few who had moved on during Salmonds tenure. May 28, 2016. list of barangay captain in pasay city Ne Yapyoruz?. Im first and foremost a democrat. My very limited experience of dealing with civil servants doesnt fill me with confidence in their abilities to think on their feet. Robert, you are right on all counts. As a former SNP candidate in a target seat and indeed a long time on the NEC it is getting embarrassing. I imagine some thought will have gone into their selection. Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. Even taking into account the bright lights to the left, the light and shadows (or lack of) on some individuals dont make any sense and the proportions and resolution are not right across the image., Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going?. Nicola is certainly fully on board with the Blair/Campbell/Tory neocon,US dominated policies represented by the aforementioned illuminati and I am pretty sure that how ever this whole fiasco falls, she will be appointed to some sinecure of international significance, possibly connected to UN, or some prestigious international org. Jennifer Dempsie, a special adviser to Mr Salmond when he was first . While he refused to dispute the version of events provided by Mr Aberdein, a personal friend who shares his love of Aberdeen Football Club, Mr Nicolson accused Mr Salmonds aides whom he notably referred to as the other side of a vendetta against Miss Lloyd, citing a reference in an opinion piece by a political journalist suggesting that Mr Salmond is looking for blood and that Miss Lloyd is ominously high on his wanted list. Kevin Pringle (SNP ex spin Doctor)is in the back row surely ? The SNP is beyond redemption and this countrys institutions have resoundingly failed the people they exist to serve, while our leaders and their close associates get fat off the public purse whilst using spurious legal arguments, threats of imprisonment, outright lies and general obfuscation to hide their true activities from the public gaze. Im at a loss to understand what authority the Scottish Government thinks it has over a man they have wronged so shamelessly. Thanks to those on here trying to fill in the names in the photograph. Will Mr Aberdein be accusing Alex of sexual harassment. The sooner theyre booted out of Holyrood, the better. 11 February, 2021 at 12:36 pm. Was Jennifer Dempsie not the one who had set her sights on Salmond in a romantic sense but then ended up with sloppy seconds Robertson. Add Sturgeons admiration for Kissinger, Clinton and Lagarde and her very iffy foreign policy stance and you see a bigger picture. This committee a word from those who berate you for the SNP, but only 27 % of voted! And yet not a word from those who berate you for the Highlands and islands this site will be down. Theres nothing obviously incorrect except the claim of Sturgeon that Salmond tries get... Objective of this committee imo, that photo is a composite image which doesnt bear visual.! 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