If this is the case, try to communicate the things that bother you in your relationship. Likewise, the traits associated with being "masculine" are traits we used to expect from men. You can connect to this deeply in just a few minutes by bringing your awareness into each sense. Now, heres the thing: After a lifetime of conditioning, this can feel easier said than done. Does this include a mani-pedi? Feminine people are usually described as highly emotional and vulnerable. Read on to find out three simple but fundamental ways in which you can access your Feminine Energy more deeply, in the dating process. Once, a man I liked shared with me that his restaurant business wasnt doing well. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. Take full responsibility for your life and your dreamsStudy femininity and womanhoodGet out of your head and drop into your heart and womb more oftenStop rationalizing everythingGive yourself permission to relax, to just be without doingMake creativity a habit in your lifeSchedule a boudoir photo shootWork on your worth and your valueMore items Give your full attention to the music youre listening to, and notice how it makes your body feel. What Im talking about is taking care of yourself, whatever that may mean for you. Both parties need to understand the other on a deeper level than what is being said and how you Youll stiffen up, especially around men; youll be guarded. When you let yourself feel your emotions and sensations, you open yourself up to N0 wonder dating any of these men did not lead anywhere! Finally, its important to remember that you dont have to be right all the time; you just have to be honest. Youll learn that you deserve that loving and caring partner sitting right there next to you. Control. Speaking from the feminine means speaking your feelings, offering an invitation to see if the masculine will meet it. Yes, okay, one little aspect of it is connected to your body, but its mostly about the way you perceive yourself and how you take care of yourself. It means that if your body is even partially a no to something, then you say no every time. Thanks to artists like Cardi B and Megan thee Stallion, a womans feminine energy and the feminine divine are taking center stage in pop culture right now. It is submissive, intuitive, soft, indirect, ever-changing, and fluid. How to regain our feminine energy?Learn to ask for help. Learn to relax and ask for help! Stop stressing about what you cant control. Daily rituals that make you happy. Dont forget to have some daily rituals that will make you happy. Reflect. Many of us are so busy that we rarely give ourselves time to listen to what is going on inside us. Force yourself to transform Successful women are resented. Never forget that youre incredibly valuable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Letters from my heart to yours, landing directly in your inbox. If you're wanting to get spiritual with it, consider exploring your connection to the Divine Feminine. Use your feminine energy to keep him interested without giving in too quickly. (Read: The Ultimate Guide to Processing Emotions Through Your Body). The Divine Feminine Energy is an Energy of receiving. See if you can feel it, if you can communicate with it. A woman or a man should see this as a trait of confidence and passion. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. If they were sick, I would check on them and ask them if they needed anything. Because a woman who drops into her feminine without boundaries will be at a higher risk of being abused, walked all over, and taken advantage of. Your own relationship with him will have to go through a metamorphosis. This has left so many women feeling exhausted, irritated, and resentful of different aspects in their lives even though often they dont know why. And its keeping us from forming deeply healing and incredible relationships with men. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. So being able to come to center and be like, ok, this thing has been an issue for me and then being able to define for yourself what does it mean for you to live your most authentic life. In a relationship, you always have to strive for this balance. Successfully sources and pipelines top talent to bring to the organization to meet the ever-changing business needs. Ships from all corners of the sea are attracted towards the lighthouse and sail towards her. If there is something you disagree with, its okay to voice your opinion as long as you do so respectfully. But its not about that. When you trust your own desires. The feminine craves fullness. Feminine energy is often associated with being in touch with emotions, mainly because, socially, women have been taught that it is fundamental to their identity. Feel safe 3. Stop hating your body and how you look. By now you should have a better idea about how to use your feminine energy to attract a man. If he is taking you out on dates and making an effort to get to know you better, let him know that you appreciate his efforts. The bottom line is that you should be available, but dont be too available. Overcoming the fear of losing a man is the first step towards releasing control and amplifying your Feminine Energy in dating. Today we know people of all genders can have any combination of any of these traits, and no traits are inherent to any gender or should be expected of any gender. Sometimes, you wont be able to be feminine in a relationship if it isnt the relationship you should be in. Its hard to be feminine in a relationship when youre not letting yourself be vulnerable with your partner. Unless you have a really fluid and freeing yoga practice (meaning, a practice that frees you of the traditional linear-based poses), or a really intuitive dance practice, its probably likely that youre not incorporating much non-linear movement in your everyday life. If being feminine means being more proactive for you, then do exactly that. Most often, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man. To feel more feminine, we tend to wear things that make us feel extremely uncomfortable. This is why men gravitate towards women that are soft, caring, and sensitive, and women desire men who So never give that up. Know the difference between masculine and feminine energy. It is important to remember that your feminine energy as a woman is always there even when you cannot feel it at all. The feminine is the creative force. If you find that you have a hard time feeling joy in your relationship, then it might be because its not the relationship for you. Sounds a bit poetic, but hear me out. Things like journaling will enable you to recognize your emotions and connect to them on a deeper level. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Destruction comes before creation; we must say goodbye to the old to welcome the new. Developing a sense of connection with trees, with plants around you, with birds all of these will connect you more to the pulse of the earth and to feeling supported by life. You have to escape toxic environments and also do the things that make you happy. When I say that you should keep a smile on your face, I mean that you should always strive to be happy. What Ive found is that its a sensual aliveness that connects me to my body. Because of this, it can feel confusing to people, which is understandable. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Understanding you and your partners energies will bring more empathy and compassion into your relationship. Boosting his ego can make him feel appreciated as a man. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Understanding that nothing impure belongs in a divine house and our femininity and our bodies are like divine houses. Learn how your comment data is processed. However, even if youre just seeing one guy at a time, filling up your own life is a way of remaining in your magnetic Lighthouse quality. Without the powerful movement of feminine energy, both soothing and unnerving, we would remain stagnant. If youre not able to recognize the emotions that youre experiencing, then try taking a few breaths and calming down first. But how can you trigger a mans Hero Instinct? Removing yourself from situations that do not match your energy should be a high-priority for you, and nothing is more attractive than confidence in ones own decisions. Other people will do things for you, theyll smile when they see you, everyone will want to help you and be like you. He will see you as someone who he has to win over and this will make him want you more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being alert and not liking certain settings. And when a woman comes along and triggers them, it causes a powerful response. Be sensuous How to Boost Your Feminine Your email address will not be published. Even if you can do these things for yourself. This will make him work even harder for your time and attention. Feminine energy is fluid. Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play, and attune to your internal process. To top it off, most people tend to choose versions of pleasure that disconnect them from their bodies doing drugs or watching tv, for example. If you dont like something hes done, tell him so. When we are in our immature feminine energy, we feel lost, confused, anxious, overwhelmed and unable to plan or make decisions. You want to ask yourself, am I living a life full of forgiveness; thats forgiveness of others, thats forgiveness of self. Becoming aware of these blocks and exploring them is important, because otherwise youll struggle to drop into your feminine even when trying out the practices below. What can you do in a different, more relaxed way? You are told to sit a certain way, to dress a certain way, and its always about losing more weight than you need to in order to have a healthy body. Its important to let go of the idea that you need your man to make you feel validated. Understand what femininity means for you, 3. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. When you accept his courtship, you will be making a clear statement that you are not desperate for a man in your life. Another major thing that holds women back is the repressed anger many women have towards men, who are our external representations of the masculine. We want to have equal rights to men, but we dont want to be like men. I wrote an entire piece about this; the link is here! Many believe that women can be quite nurturing individuals, and this can be true, but it should not be linked solely with how they care for other people. The rights of women are recent, and fighting for them was (and still is) necessary. These messages say, Youre valued for sex, but dont be too sexy. They say, Be agreeable, but also ask for what you want.. From there the feminine decides if they are interested and accepts or denies the date. When youre filled with trauma and you continue to experience negative things, then you dont have the capacity to meet your full potential. The number one way of amplifying your Feminine Energy in dating is to stop controlling the relationship. It's the feminine! That way youll be much more open to expressing your femininity. This will not only make him feel more confident and powerful but will also help you to use your feminine energy effectively. This will show him that youre a woman who respects herself and her body, and who isnt easy. The best way you can do this is to grab a pen and paper and write everything down. All in all, men are attracted to women who are relaxed and know how to have a good time. At a very basic level, this prevents you from directing all your energy to just one man. Women who are embodying their feminine energy will be absolutely irresistible to masculine men, or to any person with a more masculine energy. Stay in your receiving energy and let yourself need him. Our right to abortion our right to choosing what we do with our own bodies is still hotly debated on political stages. Its true! The feminine is flowing energy. We live in a material world, which is why simply trying to change how our mind is feeling often isnt enough. Trust your intuition These are not nearly as important as all of the personal traits that allow you to be yourself, so when trying to define you feminine energy, focus on what feels natural to you and what you will get all the answer you were hoping for. We seek self esteem and solutions to our problems externally, often because we dont know how to trust our intuition or love ourselves. Another important thing regarding this topic includes the clothes that youre wearing. He will appreciate the fact that you are selective about who you spend your time with and that you are not desperate for a boyfriend or relationship. Become The Person You've Always Wanted To Be & Attract The Love You Deserve, How To Become The Most Attractive Version Of Yourself. The most difficult piece of this is that most women dont really trust their own masculine because theyve never been modeled it in a way that feels good and they also arent practiced at embodying their feminine. The Lighthouse receives attention, gifts, presents from all sides. A good way to do this is by asking them things in a more feminine way. if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. Even so, it wouldnt hurt to also take a look at things from a mans perspective either. Completely free to be yourself, in the way that you naturally are. We all hate when someone tells us to smile more. Let him feel the pull and excitement that comes with pursuing you. Instead of getting told that a womans place is in the home, like women heard in the 1900s, most women of today receive confusing mixed messages. Home Blog How to stay true to your feminine energy in a relationship. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable. As human beings, we all possess masculine and feminine energies. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Connection and specifically connecting to other women 5. Feminine energy allows us to: Connect with our inner wisdom and use it as a guide Magnetize what you desire toward you Hold space for projects and people Feel into divine timing and instinctively know when the time is right Enjoy creating something from nothing without being tied to the result See the big picture Instead of running after an ideal that has nothing to do with you, discover what it takes for you to embody your own femininity. An agency for selective divorced dating other professionals, Finding your life partner at our 40 plus dating site, An International dating agency service to find your soulmate. And then utilize your masculine to help you act on it! Your femininity isnt a part of the outside world so that you have to chase it. Find ways to contribute to your relationship, 7. Masking Our Core Energy When speaking about feminine and masculine energies, that doesnt mean gender. After all, we're changing all the time. If they needed any help, I was the first to jump to their rescue. Make sure to let it flow through you freely and dont hold it back. Men are usually encouraged to identify more with masculine energy, but there's great joy in being able to let go and be flexible. It will show him that you are a woman who appreciates what others do for her. Of course, you should always strive to give the same amount that youre receiving in a relationship. Being a loving person is more about acting up on the sentiment that you are experiencing to create positive connections into your life, than it is about anything else. A doormat. Even though, to our minds, this appears to be the most harmless thing, it is not. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. This difference is what causes polarity. If so, you arent alone. This also enhances your desirability factor, even positively influencing the man you do want. Trust your intuition. A woman of high value is a woman whos had to also learn how to be feminine in a relationship. She has worked with thousands of clients on improving their relationships with others and themselves, and she's also the instructor of the popular mindbodygreen courses How To Become The Most Attractive Version Of Yourself and How To Attract A Partner. Every single person on the planet has both of these energies. Many women decided the most beautiful traits of femininity were conditioned, unnatural, and harmful. This is where Feminine Energy becomes a really magnetic quality. Many people throughout your life will try to bring you down. This is a very old-fashioned way of dating, but its effective. The best way to describe feminine energy is that its the soft, delicate, and gentle side of a person. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. You should definitely work on how to maintain bonds that are important to you and that bring positivity into your life, though you need to keep in mind that in order for that to work, you cannot be the only responsible. Safety partially comes from processing old emotion through your body (see above), and it also comes from trusting your own masculine. So many women have been harmed by the men in our lives. In the 1960s, the only way you could get birth control is if you were married and your husband signed for it. Femininity to me means a womans understanding of her nature and her ability to operate in that nature at all times, says Pitts. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I know that the bedroom is a good practice place, but you may want to look for your limits outside of the bedroom as well. If he is bringing you gifts and flowers, let him know that you are thankful for his gifts. Your life will include more synchronicities; youll be living in a way that feels true to you. Emotions must flow, they must move through you. When you have mastered your feminine energy, you will enjoy increased self-awareness and happiness, and will be free of the need to be right all the time! WebBeing a woman and understanding how to harness your feminine energy is a superpower.Use it to create optimal success. By embracing your feminine energy, you'll be deeply adored, wanted, loved, and romanced by your partner. No matter how successful and high-achieving you are, if you dream about being pursued by masculine men who can do and give for YOU, then embracing Feminine Energy in dating is the way to go. If you trust your own masculine, you can live most of your life from a feminine place I feel this as surrendering to life. If your body is full of stored, unprocessed emotions (as most of our bodies are), it will be difficult to relax deeply into your body. Notice the smells in the air. Define what femininity means for you so that you can know what you want to work towards in your life. Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. It is doing energy. As you can see, this entire article is focused on being your authentic feminine self. I wrote an entire piece about this; the link is here, How to ask for things in a more feminine way, 51 real-life examples of how I set boundaries and ask for what I want during sex, The difference between submission and surrender, There is room for both your boundaries and your feminine radiance. When you want to be a feminine partner, you should tell your partner why you love him. Women have always been perceived as the more emotionally intelligent sex. I Thought He Liked Me But He Has A Girlfriend Now What? Many of us are so busy that we rarely take time to listen to what's going on inside of us. He will want to do things for you because he will feel valuable enough to deserve the chance to do them. Did you like our article? This is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. It wants to It shows him that you are capable of being in a relationship without smothering him with your neediness and the desire to be in control all the time. If you love playing sports, for example, go out and play your favorite sport. Eventually, one of them might feel attracted to someone else usually a person who is actually embodying the opposite pole from them. Take a deep breath on your last deep inhale, and then scream and shake everything out. Loose Leaf Artisan Tea Blend includes: Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Lemon Verbena, L Allow yourself to relax and enjoy his company. If you feel burned out, overworked, fragmented, or exhausted, you're in desperate need of feminine energy to restore, inspire, and enliven you. What things can you say no to? You may be the one who makes all the plans for the future. Knowing how to use feminine energy to connect with a man is a matter of becoming receptive. Couples dont *have* to have polarity. So, I tend to define as that which makes you feel powerful, creative, at your best, your most beautiful, and something that feels in sync and harmony with where youre trying to be. Moving from your head into your body. To really be yourself and tune into your feminine energy, means to believe in your judgment, so whenever that little alarm starts ringing on your mind, consider listening to it instead of blocking it out; you might find it a lot more helpful than you thought. When I tell you to take care of your appearance, I dont mean that you need to adjust your looks to fit certain standards. Don't wait that long! So when you feel an emotion, dont just swallow it down. It just might end up feeling more like a friendship than a romance. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If you want to be more in touch with your femininity, first you want to actually understand what kinds of trauma bondsthat could be a father bond, a mother trauma bondactually live in your house. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. We want to attract a partner, so we try to get the most out of our God-given beauty. Femininity is all about bringing that sense of mystery and special spark with you anywhere and everywhere you go. Its a body-centered exploration of what it means when you trust your own natural energy. WebSev Consulting Intl. At times, I would even recommend you show less interest and let him be the one to chase you more. 11 ways to increase your feminine energy and remove the blocks around it 1. It means that you dont need to be the one who initiates plans to go out and do things. One filled with your own friends, hobbies, interest, spiritual inclinations. To awaken your Divine Feminine Energy, make a habit out of practicing mindfulness every day, live life at your pace, and don't turn it into a competition. When you build up walls around your own heart and dont want to open up to anyone, its very hard to see you as a feminine woman. Because of that, you have to work on understanding which parts of your description of femininity are influenced by society. Taste your food slowly. How to stay true to your feminine energy in a relationship. Eight Everyday Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy 1. Pleasure connects you to your body, to your senses. To see more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. It helps us to connect the dots of our lives. The feminine attracts what she wants simply by existing in her natural state of flow. Now, Femininity to me means a womans Feminine energy is radiant. One of the ways to do that is by determining ways you can contribute to your relationship. This can be dramatic! Its like we have to change our mood for someone else just so they feel better in our presence. Feel your emotions, allow yourself to be sensitive, and be the strong but sensitive woman that men want to be around. None of these things are true, but it requires a willingness to decondition yourself to truly let go of it. Heres another way to use your feminine energy to attract a man: make him feel special. But sometimes, women tend to over-give. WebIf we want to embody feminine energy at the start of a relationship we have to allow the masculine to come to us. 1. I have so much compassion for that version of me, but you can learn from my experiences. Let's be honest: We don't value vacation, connection, downtime, or rest as much as we should! Weve also learned at a deep level that being feminine is weak. Its like a flower. Rather, you are selective about who gets to be in your life because you are treated like a princess. You dont want him to feel like he can say or do anything around you without consequences. Because if you are shrouded in all the other stuff that doesnt even belong to you, including the fact that weve often had our femininity thrust on us based on what someone else thinks it should look like and what they think it should be, and the fact that, Black women have also had it equally stripped away from them and said that youre not actually feminine because we dont find your desirable.. No matter what gender either person in a romantic couple identifies as, one person will take the masculine pole while the other takes the feminine pole, if they are to have sexual intensity. I wrote this piece over 2 years ago and I think about these concepts differently today. So when they receive so much from a woman, they stop giving anything in return. But the feminine isnt mental its sensing, feeling, intuitive. Not everyone has a masculine you can trust. The anger we have stored in our bodies against men is harming us. Experts break it down. If you find yourself doing the above, you are in your Masculine Energy. This can be easily modified. Your intuition is your inner sense of knowing, thats not dependent on anything else. Have you ever heard it said that men love the chase? These cookies do not store any personal information. How was your weekend? just to get the conversation flowing? Your masculine side gets expressed Its what creates charge, or sexual tension in a relationship. Considerations of masculine and feminine energies have real-life consequences. Tell him how much you appreciate it when he buys you things. God forbid they be anything other than productive, successful machines. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. WebMasculine energy is direct, aggressive, and action-oriented with a focus toward achievement. Essence may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Your man will want to put your needs and feelings And you can also choose to process it through your body, and to see men in a different light. No matter how much you think you like him you have to let him initiate the conversation and ask you on a proper date. When you understand that, youll be able to free yourself from these stupid societal expectations. MORE: 8 Mistakes Women Make to Destroy Sexual Polarity With Men. The number one way of amplifying your Feminine Energy in dating is to stop controlling the relationship. In fact, when you disconnect from your emotions, you start to lose your femininity. The truth Goddess, is that Money wants to flow through you as well. If you want to be more feminine in a relationship, Web3 Best Tips for Using Feminine Energy to Attract a Man 1. And speaking of sensuality, you also have to be able to understand your body and sense its limits. The link is here on Spotify (click on those words) but you can find it anywhere you listen to podcasts. What Im most afraid of is that when figuring out how to be feminine in a relationship, you start to think about the toxic stereotypes. Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. This may mean different things for different people. When a man courts you, he is making a clear effort to win your attention and affection. Two hundred years ago, women were still considered property. Because of that, your body, in itself, is beautiful. Because society will tell you that you have to be soft and quiet to be feminine. Inside of the workplace or when dealing with clients, a cold, A man who is courting you will want to make sure he treats you well because he wants you to be his girl. Your own female energy will be the most obvious part of you. Its important to remember that men have their own insecurities just like women do. Emotions and connect to them on a deeper level webif we want to be feminine a! Feeling, intuitive step you, he is making a clear effort to win your attention affection. Embracing your heart, and who isnt easy youre not letting yourself be vulnerable with your.! If being feminine means being more proactive for you need him learn from my.! This appears to be the most harmless thing, it causes a powerful.. Weve also learned at a very old-fashioned way of amplifying your feminine energy effectively goodbye to the organization to the... Look at things from a mans perspective either browser for the next time I comment clear effort to win attention... 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