She currently runs a psychodynamic group on creativity and trauma for those also in psychodynamic individual psychotherapy, where cult trauma is mainstreamed with other forms of trauma. Ashlen recently completed her MSc in the Psychology of Coercive Control and conducted research on the relationship between reproductive coercion, psychologically abusive environments, and the extent of group identity in a sample of those who have left cultic groups. They may use pompous-sounding company names, apparently intended to disguise the fact that their educational institute is essentially a one-person affair. If you are wondering who joins cults and why, the short, but creepy answer is that pretty much anyone can get sucked into them."That is the insidiousness of mind-manipulation," Lisa Kohn, a cult . She has a Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders issued by the American Psychological Association. The average U.S. salary for a Credentialing Specialist is: $44,790. One expert who himself lacks formal training has gained a decidedly bad reputation due to his sustained attacks on highly qualified cult experts he disagrees with, including degreed professionals. 5. The first four books listed here are especially recommended. For the first 12 years of her life, the cult controlled her entire existence . These may, in fact, include religion scholars who have become known as cult apologists (cult defenders). Mary Moore is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker currently practicing in Maryland. Their teachings . She has worked in child protection, community mental health, and as a school social worker. From ages 15-18, Dylesia was a member of a cult of Christianity in Virginia. She also serves as a thought reform consultant helping families with loved ones in cultic or high-control groups or relationships. Pursue a bachelor's degree. He is also an active researcher in a variety of other areas including organizational behaviour and healthiness, the social psychology of identity and prejudice, and public policy and education. She began researching cults and thought reform and lectured in local high schools, churches and civic organizations. Since 1992, she has been Associate Director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR) and MeadowHaven, where she has worked with former cult members, including some who have experienced profound trauma. Maggie was born into a religious cult called the Christ Brotherhood. All certifications shall be for a period of 4 years from the date that the initial certification is awarded. Some cult experts are trained and licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling. Never back down. Certain sites and their operators have even been known to actively whitewash groups that are widely considered cults. The word "cult" is burrowing through the Las Vegas faith community on the eve of a visit from an international specialist in controversial religious groups. It's often suggested that cult leaders use brainwashing tactics to attract and keep followers . Most cults have single leaders, or they're typically called collectives. Most handle their differences professionally. Dont be fooled by lofty sounding names and titles. ICSA Today, Vol. Many families have become divided over online political conspiracy theories, but the science on "brainwashing" is weak. She was primary therapist at Wellspring Residential Retreat for cult survivors, founded by Paul Martin, PhD during his illness; team program developer for DV survivors and children and primary therapist with the Center for Domestic Peace in California; and on staff at various SF Bay area agencies serving adults, children, families, and those diagnosed with severe mental illness. 8. She believes recovery from cultic groups requires the exercise of free speech, through which former members take the narrative back, reclaim their voices and thus, their identities. It should be noted that the majority of them refer to Christians and Christian organizations particularly those that participate in evangelism among Jews as cultists and cults. (After all, when defined theologically, cults depart from the essential doctrines and practices of a particular faith). 5. Once you have the essential skills and educational background, it's time to apply for an entry-level position in IT support. RETIRN currently has offices in Newark, DE, Lansdowne, PA and Pontypridd, Wales and Buxton, England (U.K.). In evaluating lay and professional experts, take into consideration demonstrable ability, a proven track record, and their standing among peers. ICSA is aninterdisciplinary networkof academicians, professionals, former group members, and familieswho study and educate the public about social-psychological influence and control, authoritarianism, and zealotry in cultic groups, alternative movements, and other environments. In 1976, she and her husband, William Goldberg, began facilitating a support group for former cult members that continues to meet on a monthly basis in their home in Englewood, New Jersey. Members come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Speaking about cults: There is a never-ending discussion about the definition of the term cult. The word is controversial, in large part because over the years it has taken on a negative connotation. A graduate member of the British Psychological Society, Rod is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Cultic Studies Association and is also Chair of the ICSA Research Committee and Network and he is co-Editor of the International Journal of Cultic Studies (since its inception in 2010). In 1999, he received the John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Cultic Studies from the International Cultic Studies Association, and he has been involved in research with former cult members since 1993. He also consults with law enforcement regarding destructive groups, and gives expert witness testimony. If there is no consistency, the transition period may stretch for 3-4 years. Lots of new cults seem to be using millennial-friendly 'life coaching', wellness and yoga as their smokescreen. There are no specific requirements to join. Choose a leader. Not all cult experts, lay or professional, have the expertise, training, and licensure to provide effective assistance in this area. National Average Salary. Certification and education are essential in cybersecurity specialist positions. Some are written by respected cult experts, and some by informed lay (experience) experts. The American Psychological Association details how cults keep people in line. 3. She is the author of Hooked on Psychics, soon to be published by Motivational Press. He pursued these postgraduate studies, which were directed by PhD, Guillem Feixas, at the University of Barcelona. Pardon received, with his wife, Judy, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Buxton International Festival and is Chair of the Board of the Preston Guild Link charity (in Lancashire, UK) which is fundraising for the next Preston Guild cultural festival in 2032! Important: cult-related counseling is an unregulated field.The term cult expert is not protected. They are frequent presenters at churches, civic groups, and conferences, as well as facilitators of a support group for former members of cults and high-demand groups. Anyone can use it, regardless of their skills, approach, or acceptance by recognized authorities in the field. This is when adulthood was finally reached after many difficult experiences including exploitation by a trusted college professormore opportunity for empowering growth and change. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . Bill is a frequent speaker at ICSA conferences, and he and Lorna have been the recipients of the Authentic CAN Hall of Fame Award and the Leo J. Ryan Award. 5. Image source. To become a Republican, one has to take a pledge. Mr. Kelly has also facilitated ICSA workshops for ex-members and families (1996-2018) and has lectured extensively on cult-related topics. Some cult experts who market themselves as such are, in fact, shunned by many respected professionals and organizations in the field. You must decide whether to entrust this process to a trained and licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert. It is not therapy or counseling. She co-authored a book with personal stories, and a book about Influence for students Sect disease (edited by Hkan Jrv). 1. 4. MBACP (Accred.; Ron Burks, PhD, holds an MDiv and an MA in counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary and a PhD in Counselor Education from Ohio University. Hkan Jrv,Former Scientologist and now a licensed psychologist in Sweden. Most of these resources address cults primarily, though often not exclusively, from a theological point of view. We do not receive any form of compensation for these listings.For obvious reasons we have chosen not to include individuals who have developed a negative reputation in the field. Here are the steps for how to become a network specialist: 1. It is the responsibility of billing specialists to collect payments, balance the books, and secure the revenue of the company. In turn, she has helped others using the insights and tools gleaned, including family members of current members, active members who have reached out for help exiting, and former members who needed support while transitioning back into their lives. Countless people are or have been trapped in High Demand groups. Never reflect. As a result, a life of a year and a half in the format of "basic work + IT training". Contact Information: Lorna Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, 171 Meadowbrook Road, Englewood, NJ 07631, (201) 894-8515, www. Create Dialogue Mechanisms. The journal and her contribution was entitled, The Last Draw: Cults and Creativity. Email: Phone: (212) 479-7963, Joseph F. Kelly, a graduate of Temple University (focus in religion), has been a cult intervention specialist (thought reform consultant/exit counselor,mediator) since 1989.; (214) 607-1065. With R.E.T.I.R.N., she addresses issues of psychological harm, cultic relationships, and counseling against coercion. Rule #6: Be Open, Inviting and Inclusive. There are many online research sources about cults. Lorna has published numerous articles about her therapeutic work with former cult members in professional journals, most recently: Goldberg, L. (2012). Again, joining me today is Steven Hassan, a former member of the so-called Mooney cult who's become an expert on cults and the tactics of authoritarian leaders. Announce that this teaching is the only hope for saving the world. He was a founding member of the Catalonian College of Psychologists Task Force on Hypnosis and is a member of the Association for the Advancement of Experimental and Applied Hypnosis (AAHEA). No need for us to reinvent the wheel: See How to find a qualified therapist. Some experts deal not only with cults, but also with other abusive relationships with a high degree of control, such as those that involve domestic violence or human trafficking. This applies to all exercises specialists such as personal trainers and yoga practitioners. AtCounterCultSearch.comyou can search for information about (religious) cults, cult-like organizations, and cults experts, as well as paranormal-, New Age, and pseudo-scientific claims across 260+ websites, blogs and forums dedicated to cult research, spiritual abuse information, ex-cult counseling & support. 5, No. I am fully insured and in regular supervision with a qualified, experienced supervisor. Many are helpful, but many are not. Steven Hassan, PhD is Americas leading cult expert, Recovering from cults and abusive relationships, Recognizing and escaping spiritual manipulation and false spiritual authority within the church, How to break free from bad church experiences, Experiencing healing from painful spiritual abuse, Dynamic research on finding a place of wholeness, Reconnecting with a loving God after a hurtful church, Survival guide for victims of shunning by shunning by religions, quasi-religions, cults and other extreme groups, What every cult victim wants their therapist to know, Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. Only post-nominal letters indicate that the person has a position, academic degree, accreditation, etc. You do this by keeping your members away from outsiders. Gillie delivers training for counsellors wishing to work effectively with former cult members. Jose Fernndez has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and is credited as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist by the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Associations). Steve K. D. Eichel, Ph.D., ABPP, CST A mental health day is a great time to get that haircut you've been putting off or to visit a dermatologist to address your skin concerns. He and his wife Vicki wrote Damaged Disciples: Casualties of Authoritarian Churches and the Shepherding Movement, published by Zondervan. They are sometimes referred to as countercult organizations (See the information at that link. Myan received the AFF Achievement Award (1997) from AFF, the Leo J. Ryan Distinguished Service Award (1999) from the Leo J. Ryan Foundation, and a Lifetime Achievement Award (2011) from ICSA. ICSA is an open membershiporganization. She has developed an approach to counselling former members Post-Cult Counselling which is either delivered in weekly sessions, intensively over a few days (Time Away for Post Cult Counselling) and in Psychoeducational Recovery Workshops for up to 9 individuals. So I called a cult deprogramming expert, and asked him how to convince Trump supporters to change their minds. Linda is an avid reader of all things psychology relatedincluding individual and group exploitation. Get FTB and become a Cult Analyst. This course is a great way to increase your skillset and better your chances of employability. Ashlen can be contacted at or via Both he and his wife, Judy, speak nationally and internationally on cults. They think they are following the Lord, but they have become like a mannequin trying to pass for a live body. The discipline you study depends on the linguist specialization you want to pursue., Gillie Jenkinson, PhD, is an accredited counsellor and psychotherapist in UK and is experienced in delivering counselling face-to-face as well as on the telephone and Skype. 1) Let the people come to you. This is reasonable: a . Start by researching . And as mentioned, understand the difference between theological and sociological definitions of the term cult)Questions to research: Observe the general behavior and attitude of the organization, ministry or individual you have under consideration. Print Email. Your journey to fulfilling a language specialist position may follow these steps: 1. You and your loved ones deserve better. See also our own list ofrecommended experts. There are many books that deal with cults and cult-related issues. For the past twenty years she has been active in the counter cult movement working closely with the former Cult Awareness Network and ICSA. Website: Email: Phone: +39 3384440566. Prior to ICSA, Ashlen helped individuals leaving diverse polygamist communities gain independence while working as a case manager in Salt Lake City, Utah. Top: Trump supporters hold a QAnon sign at a rally on Jan 5, 2021. Additionally, Doug offers individual counseling to ex-members. Colleen Russell, LMFT, CGP, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) since 1992, and Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) since 2008. She has planned and been responsible for a full day workshop for former cult members in Omaha, Nebraska., as well as a one day symposium for medical, law enforcement, clergy, mental health professionals, and the public on Cults and Gangs in Omaha in 2007. And while not all may necessarily agree with each other on various issues, they are known to treat each other with professional courtesy. He is interested in psychological manipulation and abuse at schools (Bullying), workplace (mobbing), and home (psychological maltreatment). She worked as a Senior System Consultant, Software Designer, and VP of Marketing. She has been working with cult-involved clients and their families for over 20 years and gives lectures to students and professionals on this topic. A lay expert may not suggest that they have formal credentials, such as a required license. Professional help may be provided by psychologists, counselors, or other mental health professionals. He established ICSAs online resource (1995-2013), and has presented 50 programs about hypnosis, inner-experience, trance-induction techniques, communicating with cult members, conversion, cult intervention, exit counseling, intervention assessment, mediation, religious conflict resolution, thought reform consultation, eastern groups, transcendental meditation and workshops for educators, families, former members and mental health professionals at ICSA workshops/conferences. She attended an ICSA former member workshop that summer, then returned to college, obtaining Bachelors and Masters degrees in Social Work. Search When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. Some cult observers market themselves with great titles. If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 7 to 9 years years to become a specialist. A research resource for parents and friends of people involved in cults or other high-demand relationships. Gillies doctoral research investigated what helps former members recover and her dissertation is entitled: Freeing the authentic-self: Phases of Recovery and Growth from an Abusive Cult Experience. Rick Ross, a longtime . Someone with only lay knowledge may well be able to fix your leaky faucet or repaint your living room. He is currently involved in a project aimed at high schools in Sweden together with a professional magician with the purpose of educating and vaccinating teenagers against manipulation. Avoid people who have a track record of blustering, bullying and stalking. Ashlen Hilliard (she/her) is Director of Events for the International Cultic Studies Association(ICSA) and a volunteer co-organizer of SAFE, the Spiritual Abuse Forum for Education (SAFE) in Portland, Oregon. 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