Speaking at the programme 'Global Kashmiri Pandit Conclave: According to some estimates, notably by the Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti (KPSS), of 75,343 Kashmiri Pandit families in January 1990, more than 70,000 fled between 1990 and 1992. Militancy was gathering momentum and anti-India sentiments were running strong. What did the government of India do when Kashmiri Pundits were driven away from their homes in Kashmir? Why didt they prevent it? Because they did According to scholar Christopher Snedden, the Pandits made up about 6 per cent of the Valley's population in 1947. Other commentary has pointed to how the government organised transport for fleeing Pandits so that they could get to Jammu. That night, the politically-disturbed Valley reverberated with war cries, communal calls, and threats to Pandits. In Jammus Jagti migrant camp, where at least 20,000 migrant Kashmiri Pandits live, the residents have been protesting for the past 146 days. [59], Scholar Christopher Snedden states that the Pandits made up about 6 per cent of the Kashmir Valley's population in 1947. In 2020, Kashmiri became an official language in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the first time.. Kashmiri is closely related to Poguli and Kishtwari, which are spoken in the In late 1989, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Jia Lal Taploo and a retired judge, Neelkanth Ganjoo, were assassinated. [ref] Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits has reached its climax with Muslim terrorism succeeding in 'CLEANSING' the valley of this ancient ethno-religious community. What is the truth of the 1990s Kashmiri Pandit migration? She write read more, Copyright 2023 The Indian Express [P] Ltd. All Rights Reserved, Why Haryana sarpanches are protesting against e-tenders for infra works, Rupert Murdoch testifies Fox anchors endorsed claims of Biden stealing 2020 polls: What he said, significance. It was replaced by Urdu in 1889 during the Dogra rule. Happy Editing! [22], Butshikan's heir, the devout Muslim Zain-ul-Abidin (142374), was tolerant of Hindus to the extent of sanctioning a return to Hinduism of those who had been forcibly converted to the Muslim faith, as well as becoming involved in the restoration of temples. Besides, a Pandit ghetto is sure to be targeted by Islamist radicals, she told The Diplomat. Report, Trans-Pacific The two events the flight of the Pandits and the Gawkadal massacre took place within 48 hours, but for years, neither community could accept the pain of the other, and in some ways, still cannot, as each continues to talk past the other. The majority of Kashmiri Brahmins are Krkuns, and this is likely due to the conversion of the majority of Kashmiris to Islam, which led to a decrease in demand for Hindu priests, which led most Kashmiri Brahmins to seek secular employment. [56][57] They were distributed into the two districts of Valley, the Baramulla district, where Hindus constituted 2.1 percent of the population; 12,919 Hindus out of 612,428 total. [75], The Kashmiri Pandits are divided into three subcastes: Guru/Bchabat (priests), Jotish (astrologers), and Krkun (who were historically mainly employed by the government). The flight continued until 2000. A Kashmiri Pandit refugee camp in Jammu. [38][39][40], In 2009 the Oregon Legislative Assembly passed a resolution to recognise 14 September 2007, as Martyrs Day to acknowledge ethnic cleansing and campaigns of terror inflicted on non-Muslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir by terrorists seeking to establish an Islamic state. The Kashmiri Muslim view of the exodus is that he encouraged the Pandits to leave the Valley and thus gave a communal colour to what was until then a non-religious Kashmiri cause. Brahmins were at that time generally being offered grants of land in other areas by rulers seeking to utilise the traditionally high literacy and general education of the community, as well as the legitimacy conferred upon them by association. Why this hindu escape from tthier.brith Places or home land. What is the reason Ifound..One is no unity of hindu socity..still and yesterday also.. However, respect for the Pandits (many of whom were teachers) and a shared Kashmiri identity that held Pandits and Muslims together prevented differences from erupting into conflict. Kashmiri Hindus find themselves reliving the fear of the early 1990s amid a wave of targeted killings, but the government is keen to prevent another exodus. Kashmiri journalist Gowhar Geelani notes in his work, Insulting Facts With Fiction to Suit One's Narrative, that on the request of some Kashmiri Muslims, senior Indian administrator Wajahat Habibullah, posted in Anantnag in 1990 as Special Commissioner, had appealed to Jagmohan to dissuade the Pandits from leaving the Valley. Black Day: January 19 is observed as the Holocaust day by the Kashmiri Pandit community. [11][12] Prompted by the growth of Islamic militancy in the valley, large numbers left in the exodus of the 1990s. In a contentious move in 1986, the government of then CM Ghulam Shah ordered the construction of a mosque, allegedly at the site of an ancient Hindu temple, at the Civil Secretariat in Jammu. Unfortunately, no such appeal came, only an announcement that to ensure the security of Pandits, refugee camps were being set up in every district of the Valley, and Pandits who felt threatened could move to these camps rather than leave the Valley. An Indian paramilitary soldier takes a selfie as Kashmiri Hindu devotees known as pandits offer prayers during the annual festival at the Kheer Bhawani temple in Tul Mul, outskirts of Srinagar, India, June 20, 2018. It was replaced by Urdu in 1889 during the Dogra rule. [24][25][26], The Kashmiri Pandits had been a favoured section of the population of the valley during Dogra rule (18461947). It is an undeniable fact that the same sentiments that led to the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus are very much alive and thriving today. Exodus came with a night-long hysteria. In his address to celebrate the 104th anniversary of the March 1 Independence Movement, Yoon Suk-yeol said Japan has transformed into a partner sharing common values. It was not until the fourteenth century that Muslim rule was finally established in the Valley and when this happened it did not occur primarily as a consequence of invasion so much as because of internal problems resulting from the weak rule and corruption endemic in the Hindu Lohara dynasty. Power, Crossroads He was one of the first persons to help them after which Punjab also followed suit. The Hindu minority in Muslim majority Kashmir shrank from an estimated 140,000 in the late 1980s to 19,865 by 1998. Those who chose to the first of these were told to leave their women behind. WebGenocide of Kashmiri Pandits. What is a whip in a state Assembly or Parliament? They believe that Kashmiri Muslims, with whom they had lived amicably for centuries, drove them out with a vengeance in a frenzy of Islamism that they could not have imagined even months earlier. Journalist-lawyer Prem Nath Bhat was shot dead near his house in Anantnag shortly after. The crimes committed against the Kashmiri Pandits are, by any yardstick, deserving of the strongest condemnation and there can be no gainsaying the acute [54] Ikkjutt Jammu, a political party in Jammu and Kashmir, advocates for two Union Territories in Kashmir, one being Panun Kashmir for Kashmiri Hindus. Enjoy an ad lite experience on TOI+. The killings of innocent natives and ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits must be seen in the context of the deeper intent to secure the secession of Jammu and Kashmir. New Delhi has distanced itself from a controversial and unequal deal between Adani Power and the Bangladesh Power Development Board. An estimated 100,000 Kashmiri Pandits have reportedly fled the Valley. [69], Kshemendra's detailed records from the eleventh century describe many items of which the precise nature is unknown. [56], Following the 1989 insurgency, a great majority of Pandits felt threatened and left the Kashmir Valley for other parts of India. "At that time, Rath Yatra of Lal Krishna Advani ji began and (Narendra) Modi ji, our (current) Prime Minister, became event manger of this yatra," he charged. [67][failed verification] The shrine is located in Tullamulla village, 24km from Srinagar in Ganderbal district. Cries of hum wapas ayenge (we will return) rent the air and #HumWapasAayenge has been trending on social media in recent weeks. How the international community views the India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir has changed as well. The longing to return to the Valley did not diminish over the years, though it may have become more an idea than a real ambition. They dream of returning to their old wooden homes surrounded by chinar trees and ringed by snow-capped mountains. [71] Frederick J. Simoons says that according to some reports, Kashmiri Pandits also consume fish as part of their diet. According to P.K.Verma, "Education was a common thread that bound together this pan Indian elite" and almost all the members of these communities could read and write English and were educated beyond school. A large number settled in the Jammu Division of the State and the National Capital Region of India. In 1989, Neelkanth Ganjoo, the judge who had sentenced the JLKF's Maqbool Bhat to death, was killed in a market near the Srinagar High Court in broad daylight. The LG administration and the central government are primarily concerned with addressing security problems. As many as 75,343 Kashmiri Pandits are estimated to have fled in January 1990, with about 70,000 more following till March, as per the Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti. Indian forces are specially ordered to keep high surveillance on Kashmir and Kashmiris. [55], According to the 1941 census, there were 78,800 Kashmiri Pandits in the Kashmir Valley. Asia, Pacific Chinese military sources can tell us exactly what the PLA is learning. Citizens of Jammu took to the streets to protest the erection of the masjid on the secretariat premises. In Anantnag, the constituency of then Congress leader Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, there was a series of attacks on Hindu temples, and shops and properties of Kashmiri Pandits, blamed on separatist and secessionists. Ministers have tweeted that it is based on true stories of Kashmiri Pandits. (Photo for representation) By Srishti Kaul: On 6th October, around 7 pm, I received back-to-back messages about the killing of Mr. Bindroo in Srinagar. In mosques and mass rallies, people shouted inflammatory and anti-Pandit slogans. Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. [10], According to Indian government, more than 60,000 families are registered as Kashmiri migrants including some Sikh and Muslim families. On May 12, a gunman walked into a government office in central Kashmirs Chadoora town. Singh to appoint Jagmohan as the governor of the state. Kashmiri Pandits observe Holocaust Day to mark 30 years of mass exodus from Valley. Gen. Li Shangfu, with deep ties to Chinas military space enterprises, is widely expected to become Chinas next minister of defense. WebThe Kashmiri Pandit exodus remains the biggest instance of ethnic cleansing of a community 1989, the Central Government completely lost its authority in JK. I've heard cases. Major media outlets have that the kidnapping was a fake one as the kidnapping took place just after 5 days Sayeed took the office. [61] Scholar Alexander Evans estimates by 1990, there would have been 160,000170,000 Pandits in the Kashmir Valley. Some emigrated to other countries entirely. Pandits were given a choice: convert to Islam, leave the Valley, or perish. [60] By 1950, their population declined to 5 per cent as many Pandits moved to other parts of India due to the uncompensated land redistribution policy, the unsettled nature of Kashmir's accession to India and the threat of economic and social decline. Navreh or the Kashmiri lunar new year is also an important Pandit festival. [70] They also wear the mekhal, which is a type of girdle. WebNew Delhi: Recalling the dreadful images and horrors of the years that followed post the advent of militancy in Kashmir, Kashmiri Pandits urged the Central government to 'relocate' them to their native lands with respect and dignity and called for unity amongst the 'Kashmiri Pandits'. [64] Wanvun singing is an integral part of Kashmiri Pandit religious ceremonies. Antagonism over the Russia-Ukraine war has left G-20 host India in the unenviable position of trying to reconcile clearly irreconcilable differences. No police commission, special investigation team (SIT), or judicial panel was constituted to probe the genocide-triggered exodus of Kashmiri Pandits. Agnihotri's rendition of the exodus, which claims that it is "based on true stories," however, makes a few glaring deviations from the facts known about the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits. Hindu community native to the Kashmir Valley, Center for the Study of Developing Societies in India (CSDS), Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, Revocation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, List of Jammu and Kashmir related articles, "30 years on, return to homeland eludes Kashmiri Pandits", "Survival is now our Politics: Kashmiri Hindu community identity and the Politics of Homeland", "Kashmiri Pandits: Why we never fled Kashmir", Kashmiri Pandits offered three choices by Radical Islamists, "25 years after exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley, questions over return remain", "BBC World Service | World Agenda - Give me land", "23 years on, Kashmiri Pandits remain refugees in their own nation - Rediff.com India News", Senate Joint Resolution 23, 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY2009 Regular Session, "Front Page: "219 Kashmiri Pandits killed by militants since 1989", "Kashmiri Pandits: Why we never fled Kashmir Kashmir: The forgotten conflict", "399 Pandits killed since 1990 KPSS Lastupdate:- Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:30:00 GMT", "The tragedy of Kashmiri Pandits (Part IV)", "Only 1 Pandit family returned to Valley in 25 years", "When will we finally return home, ask displaced Kashmiri Pandits", "Kashmiri pandit team to visit valley to negotiate for peace", "Forget Delimitation; Divide Kashmir; Grant Statehood to Jammu: IkkJutt Jammu", Census of India, 1941, Volume XXII, Parts I & II (1943), Census of India, 1941, Volume XXII, Part III (1943), "Cabinet approves the proposal to provide State Government jobs and transit accommodations in the Kashmir Valley for the rehabilitation of Kashmiri migrants", "Gangbal yatra to commence after 100 yrs in Kashmir", "Kheer Bhawani Temple | District Ganderbal, Government of Jammu and Kashmir", "Valley divide impacts Kashmiri, pandit youth switch to devnagari", "Hindu Muslim unity depicted at Mata Khirbhawani temple in Kashmir", "Anupam Kher to work for Empowerment of Kashmiri Pandit Community", Panun Kashmir: A Homeland for Kashmiri Pandits, 'God of Small Things,' Travelogue in The Indian Express, 5 March 2006, by Arjun Razdan, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kashmiri_Pandits&oldid=1138786638, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, "Related ethnic groups" needing confirmation, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles with empty sections from March 2020, Articles with failed verification from March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 16:26. The Kashmiri Muslims were instructed to identify Pandit homes so they could be systematically targeted for conversion or killing. News. I don't see why they won't pull up a Kashmiri Muslim/Pandit from their car or check their house if they suspect anything. [35] The government has reported on the terrorist threats to Pandits still living in the Kashmir region. The hotly contested circumstances of their departure between January and March 1990, the numbers, and the issue of their return are an important side to the Kashmir story that has fed into the Hindu-Muslim polarisation in India over the years, in turn fuelling the Hindu-Muslim chasm in the Valley. WebThe Kashmiri Pandits are divided into three subcastes: Guru/Bchabat (priests), Jotish (astrologers), and Krkun (who were historically mainly employed by the government). Men, too, might adopt stylish arrangements and wear flowers in their hair, if they had the financial means to do so. WebMaybe. The most prominent among these are the All India Kashmiri Samaj or AIKS, All India Kashmiri Pandit conference, Panun Kashmir & Kashmiri Samiti. (Or if they're ordered by the regime to create intentional tension/chaos. A powerful anti-India militancy rattled the Indian state. What happened in January 1990 is bitterly contested. [15], A historically contested region, Northern India was subject to attack from Turkic and Arab regimes from the eighth century onwards, but they generally ignored the mountain-circled Kashmir Valley in favour of easier pickings elsewhere. Asia, Central The kidnappers demanded the release of five of their members in exchange for Rubaiya's release. Besides being the right thing to do, apologies bring diplomatic and political gains in a region haunted by colonial and imperial atrocities. Approximately 2,17,000 Pandits still live in abysmal conditions in Jammu with families of five to six people often huddled into a small room. Life and property were not safe, agriculture declined, and there were periods when trade came to a standstill. Kaw has speculated that this item of jewellery may not have existed at the time. However, these offers have failed to elicit much of a response. In a door-to-door mission, Hindu homes were attacked, families killed, and many women raped by militants. [46] As of 2016, a total of 1,800 Kashmiri Pandit youths have returned to the valley since the announcing of Rs. They couldnt. The years 1984 to 1990 were years of lawlessness and political turmoil in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in the Kashmi Sun worship is believed to have been brought into Kashmir by Kushan kings from Iran. For instance, it suggests that a threat asking Kashmiri Pandits to leave the Valley was issued in Al-Safa before the exodus, thereby contributing to the forced migration. Several moved to other cities in India and abroad, where they have done well professionally. I've heard cases. [49][50][51], The Jammu And Kashmir Migrant Immovable Property (Preservation, Protection And Restraint on Distress Sales) Act, 1997, provides that "Any person who is an unauthorised occupant or recipient of any usufruct of any immovable property of the migrant shall pay to the migrant such compensation for the period of unauthorised occupation and in such a manner as may be determined by the District Magistrate. In many cases, their properties were either immediately vandalised or sold quickly by the owners to Kashmiri Muslims. Anantnag, the constituency of then Congress leader Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, bore the brunt of the violence. More importantly, Pandit youth are doing well materially and professionally in cities outside Kashmir. Further, in the same year, the Rajiv Gandhi-led Congress government at the Centre unlocked the gates of the disputed Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi temple for Hindu worship. Those who had means rebuilt their lives elsewhere in the country Delhi, Pune, Mumbai and Ahmedabad have Pandit populations, also Jaipur and Lucknow or went abroad. The fleeing Pandits did not think they would never return to the Valley. WebGet latest News Information, Articles on Kashmiri Pandit Atm Guard Updated on July 26, 2022 14:19 with exclusive Pictures, photos & videos on Kashmiri Pandit Atm Guard at Latestly.com - Page 2 They have announced resettlement packages promising financial support and jobs for those who returned. However, Kashmiri political parties and separatist organisations as well as Pandit groups have come out in strong opposition to such Pandit-only settlements. They have not done so because the situation in the Valley remains unstable and they fear a risk to their lives. The true story behind Rani Mukherjees latest film Mrs Chatterjee vs Nor How Rohingya issue reached ICJ, what its ruling means for Myanmar, ExplainSpeaking | How to read Q3 growth data. But within two years, the Centre broke up the NC, and installed dissident Ghulam Mohammed Shah as Chief Minister. Asia, South In response, Abdullah resigned on the same day and Jagmohan suggested the dissolution of the State Assembly. They were assured that once the massacre in Kashmir was completed and the movement (for self-determination) curbed, they would be sent back to The flight continued until 2000. A BJP-supported Janata Dal government was at the Centre at the time of the exodus in 1990. Habibullah wrote he also appealed to Jagmohan that he telecast an appeal to Pandits that they stay in Kashmir, assuring their safety on the basis of the assurance of the Anantnag residents. Although the pro-independence Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) said the two men were killed because of their ties with the Indian state rather than their Pandit identity, the Pandits were not convinced. Gul Shah formed the government with support from the Congress at the state-level as well as the central. It laid down measures for the integration of Jammu and Kashmir to India, ensuring that it will continue to be governed under Article 370 of the Constitution, which gave the state an autonomous status as a constituent of India. Even today Successive governments have promised that they will help this process, but the situation on the ground in Kashmir has meant this remains only an intention. On January 19, Kashmiri Pandits across the world observed Holocaust Day. It was on that day 30 years ago that the Pandit exodus from the Kashmir Valley began. That changed in 1989-90. [29], According to a number of authors, approximately 100,000 of the total Kashmiri Pandit population of 140,000 left the valley during the 1990s. Rubaiya was the daughter of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, then the Home minister of India in the Janata Dal government led by V. P. Singh. It appears to have archaic features that suggest it is the oldest form of Kashmiri folk singing. Leaders of Jammu and Kashmir knew earlier what was going to happen within few weeks. 20 per cent of them left the valley as a consequence of the 1950 land reforms,[27] and by 1981 the Pandit population amounted to 5 per cent of the total. Armed militants, dressed in army fatigues, infiltrated a colony of Kashmiri Pandits in Pulwama's Nadimarg on 23 March 2003. A migrant Pandit, named K.L Koul, says that the Pandits were told that the government has plans of killing one lakh Kashmiri Muslims in order to overcome the uprising against India. In the lead-up to the events of 1990, Kashmir was in ferment. [33] The nature of the planned exodus has remain controversial, with the involvement of then Governor Jagmohan in organising a clandestine exodus been a subject of controversy. The mass exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits began. The blatant electoral engineering, which disillusioned many Kashmiri youth, became a watershed event in Kashmir's political landscape and catalysed further insurgency. Learn More. In 2011 as per government estimates, about 2,700 to 3,400 Pandits were in the Valley. In another incident of violence on 25 January, a week into the Janata Dal governor's rule, 4 Indian Air Force (IAF) officers were gunned down while 40 personnel were injured in a militant attack at a bus stop in Rawalpora. The Indian Express website has been rated GREEN for its credibility and trustworthiness by Newsguard, a global service that rates news sources for their journalistic standards. Raising the issue later during Zero Hour, BJP member Sunil Kumar Singh demanded that the government start a probe into the "large scale atrocities" committed on Hindus and Sikhs in Kashmir from 1980 to 1990, especially in the period between 1984 to 1989 when Rajiv Gandhi was the prime minister, and culprits be punished. It is an undeniable fact that the same sentiments that led to the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus are very much alive and thriving today. The debate over the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits has been reignited after the release of 'Kashmir Files'. The exodus took place at the same time that the BJP was upping the ante across northern India, and over the years, the plight of Kashmiri Pandits has become a potent Hindutva issue. Kashmiri Pandits maintain that they were driven out of the Valley by the Muslims. The exodus of people from Kashmir Valley began only after then Jammu and Kashmir governor Jagmohan asked them, especially Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs, to The debate surrounding the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits has been reignited following the release of a film on it -- 'The Kashmir Files'. Successive governments in New Delhi and Srinagar have attempted to draw displaced Pandits back to the Valley. At first Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), the founding leader of Jamat opposed direct involvement as it would destroy the organization and open it to Indian assault by security forces. Anti-India sentiment has undergone changes not just in its intensity but the way it is articulated. However, Farooq Abdullah's first stint as chief minister was short-lived; he was deseated after an Indira Gandhi-led political coup in 1984. Even our Muslim friends were caught up in the Islamist frenzy of that period, Dhar recalled. In order to get out of blame, Chief Minister Farookh Abdullah and Mufti Mohammad Sayeed convinced Prime Minister V.P. The Kashmiri Pandits (also known as Kashmiri Brahmins)[7] are a group of Kashmiri Hindus and a part of the larger Saraswat Brahmin community of India. The security situation along the India-Pakistan border remains of great concern. This article is protected. The Pandits insist that they will return to the Valley only when they are able to determine that the situation is conducive to their safety. It has waxed and waned over the years, as has public support for it. On January 19, 1990, the Vally witnessed the most gruesome night in the history of the exodus of Kashmiri Kashmiri Pandits or Kashmiri Brahmins are Hindus. (At The Quint, we are answerable only to our audience. This led to huge disaffection and political instability. kashmiri pandit man Latest Breaking News, Pictures, Videos, and Special Reports from The Economic Times. The published threat, however, came nearly three months after one of the darkest nights in Jammu and Kashmir 19 January 1990 observed as the Exodus Day by the Kashmiri Hindu community. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member. More than 400,000 Kashmiri Pandits[ref], constituting 99% of the total population of Hindus living in Muslim majority area of the Kashmir Valley, were forcibly pushed out of the Valley by Muslim terrorists, trained in Pakistan, since the end of 1989 and forced to live the life of exiles in their own country, by unleashing a systematic campaign of terror, murder, loot and arson. A majority of the Pandit refugees still live in refugee camps with spiralling health and economic problems. The LG administration and the central government are primarily concerned with addressing security problems. A lot has changed since then but the more things change the more they remain the same. What do we know about him? Hence, the exodus of Kashmiri Pandit started Join us to create the encyclopedia of Indian history Copyright2021 All Rights Reserved by Historical India, Since late 1989, the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has been in the grip of a vicious movement of Islamist extremist terrorism. kashmiri pandit man Blogs, Comments and Archive News on Economictimes.com [73][74], The Kashmiri Pandits have a tradition of consuming meat, including mutton and fish, but they obey restrictions laid down by the shastras of not eating the meat of forbidden animals such as beef and pork. Valley reverberated with war cries, communal calls, and threats to.. The erection of the state answerable only to our audience war cries, communal,... Suggest it is articulated state-level as well as Pandit groups have come out in strong opposition to such Pandit-only.., these offers have failed to elicit much of a response took the office that the kidnapping took just! 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In Pulwama 's Nadimarg on 23 March 2003 surveillance on Kashmir and Kashmiris to Jagmohan! The financial means to do, apologies bring diplomatic and political gains in region. The events of 1990, there were periods when trade came to a standstill to. Properties were either immediately vandalised or sold quickly by the Muslims Kashmir was in ferment might adopt stylish arrangements wear. Delhi and Srinagar have attempted to draw displaced Pandits back to the Valley PLA is.... State Assembly or Parliament Pandit exodus from Valley draw displaced Pandits back to the Valley a controversial and unequal between... Muslim friends were caught up in the Jammu Division of the 1990s Kashmiri Pandit youths have returned the... Armed militants, dressed in army fatigues, infiltrated a colony of Kashmiri Pandits the international views... Five to six people often huddled into a small room an Indira Gandhi-led political in. 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