It seems ridiculous to consider that any nation should be celebrating the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people who were in Australia first. Already others have suggested alternative dates such as ANZAC Day on April 25th. Nayuka Gorrie, No Matter Which Day the Country Chooses to Host Its Australia Day, I Will Not Be Participating, NITV, 24 January 2019. } Consider also using January 26 as an opportunity to donate to an Indigenous organisation or charity, take in anti-racist resources, and refresh yourself on how to support BIPOC in the long term. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and future returns are not guaranteed. When Ms Reys began her work with Reconciliation Australia, she observed limited support for changing the date of Australia Day. But Its Not True, Indigenous X published on The Guardian, 22 January 2018. What's on The 26th of January is a day that will always live in infamy. The voice of whiteness is also found in present arguments, like when the violence of settlement is justified by what the British introduced. The date will change. Lets focus on the ways we can dismantle the more urgent challenges, rather than focusing on the date of this one day. And they are wrong for seven reasons. Fifield also wrote to the Chair of the ABC urging the station to reconsider. Its key because changing the date of Australia is an invitation, its an invitation for us mob to feel at home in our own country. You can buy her debut book How to Win Every Argument (from $4.99) here. You dont pretend your birthday was on a different day you look at your whole lifes experience, Morrison said. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy. The same holds true if someone names "co-executors" or "several . Secondly, changing the date would spare indigenous Australian and islanders the painful reminder of their loss of country, family and culture. There has also been a marked shift in the number of people who "strongly agreed" celebrations should move. AFS Licence 365260 I choose not to repeat myself, because the date will change. Why not share this news? "We're trying to dig a little bit deeper about making it more meaningful," she said. May 9, the day of the first sitting of Federal Parliament in 1901 and the day that Parliament moved to Canberra in 1927. var change_link = false; None of those things can only be done on the 26th of January, and if it was on any other day then maybe more Indigenous people would feel like celebrating with the rest of the nation. text-align: center; There is growing opinion that although January 26th is Australia Day, the celebration of Australia Day on January 26th does not allow all Australians to join in celebrating Australia's greatness, and every day we get to spend being part of this great Nation and the opportunities it gives us is an 'Australia Day' we celebrate separately, so why not choose a day that we can All celebrate . But the generational differences are significant. And, the day wasn't even declared as Australia Day until around 150 years later and since that time, the date of Australia Day changed many times. The disparity between these two experiences couldnt be starker. That was not the . To conclude, the date of Australia day should be changed to reflect changing community attitudes. Lets show the Aboriginals that they are a true and essential part of the unique inclusivity that makes up Australia. You could also lobby your local council to stop holding citizenship ceremonies on January 26. Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt said he did not agree with changing the date. Australia Day is the official national day of Australia.Observed annually on 26 January, it marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet, and raising of the Union Flag by Arthur Phillip, at Sydney Cove in New South Wales.In present-day Australia, celebrations aim to reflect the diverse society and landscape of the nation and are marked by community and family events, reflections on Australian . why shotgun shell shortage Earlier this year, we temporarily stopped shipments of Wegovy 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg and 1 mg dose strengths. The fight for rights is not over. But, as it stands, Australia Day marks the anniversary of invasion and the beginning of an era of mourning, survival and resilience for Australia's First Nations peoples. Even if the date is a floating one every year the same way Easter or the Melbourne Cup is decided. Six years later, triple js Hottest 100 is just as popular, despite not occurring on January 26 and theres barely been any discussion about the date change since. In 2016, Fremantle Council voted to change its Australia Day celebrations out of respect for Indigenous Australians, while Byron Shire Council in New South Wales has moved some of its festivities from January 26. Itll help, promise. Wouldnt that send a better message to everyone that Australia Day is a day intended for ALL Australians to celebrate? As more organisations seek to observe the history of the date, his two teenage daughters, Sienna-Swan and Krystal-Rose, perform at multiple ceremonies each year. Specialising in community engagement and digital product growth Nebras has over 15 years experience in designing and delivering executable audience growth and content strategies across a range of leading industries and countries. How To Spend A Long Weekend In Townsville If The Thought Of Winter Is Already Crushing Yr Soul, Dysons Slinging Up To $400 Off Its Famous Sucky Bois If Yr Sick Of Crumbies Underfoot, Weve Already Copped A Bit Of Spicy Intel About What Goes Down At The MAFS 2023 Reunion, Rihanna & A$AP Rockys Sweet Bb Has Made His Official Debut With An Adorable Vogue Shoot, Sign up with your Facebookor Linkedin account, Please select at least one of the following options to continue. While marketed as a day of celebration, January 26 marks the day that Australias First Nations people lost their country. Additionally, the origins of celebrating Australia Day on January 26 dont actually date back that far. The only reasons I can fathom for opposition to changing the date is white privilege, or perhaps even racism. Most people dont even care about that actual date, they just want a day off work, or to have a few drinks, or to have a barbecue, or whatever it is that people do. A catalyst for debate, an opportunity for change. The marking of 26 January is an important date in Australia's history and has changed over time: starting as a celebration for emancipated convicts and evolving into what is . For many people, January 26 means two things: a public holiday and a boozy BBQ celebration. s.src = '' + + '&t=other'; h.appendChild(s); Not until 1994 did they begin to celebrate Australia Day consistently as a public holiday on that date." By signing up, you agree to Pedestrian Group's Terms of Service and consent to our Privacy Policy. They considered it unsuitable to raise the Union Jack (flag) and moved to Sydney Cove instead. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app, 'We are not the same, that's why you not understand': An interview with a mother accused of a terrible crime, 'I just sit here and chill now': Tasha used to hide in her tent when pedestrians passed by, Man shot dead outside martial arts gym in Sydney's west, 'At what point do you put people's lives at risk? A catalyst that will make us pause, reflect upon, and discuss what sort of country we have been, where we are today, and where we want to be in the future. While its undoubtedly an uphill battle to get governments to listen, its not impossible, which is why pressure needs to be continually applied for them to listen. It is insensitive and exclusive, it is no longer taken seriously, and the 26th doesn't mean as much as we think. Each year a person is named Australian of . } This week, we encourage you to spend the time you would normally spend listening to our podcast educa Info here. Maybe that is why the day is filled with little more than jingoistic flag waving and mass consumption of alcohol, to distract us from the fact that we arent as great a country as some would otherwise like to think. // console.log('ignore ' + all_links.href); It was only in 1994, 26 years ago, that it officially became a public holiday. According to the ABC, its the Premier who actually has the power to change public holidays in their state, so writing letters to bring this to the attention of your state government is a start. It wasn't until 1994 that the Australia Day public holiday was consistently held on 26 January each year. "Australia Day is a day to celebrate Indigenous, British and multicultural history and look forward in unity with a determination to build a stronger and more rewarding Australia for all.". A day we come together and reflect on our collective national history. Not-for-profit organisation Australians Together has a similar train of thought, writing: Its true, that as Australians, we should be able to come together and celebrate the things about our nation that were proud of and grateful for. But thats actually a false assumption. By the 1900s the Indigenous population was estimated to have reduced by 90%. Join us! h = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], That will take policy designed in concert with Indigenous communities and leaders, representation in places that matter, understanding of past wrongs, and likely several decades. By moving Australia Day to another date, what are we losing? An elderly man walking along the boardwalk was adamant the date should not be changed. Warning: This article contains images of Indigenous people who have died. The date is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788. A day to reflect on the dark parts of our history, so we can move forward together as a nation.. Since 1938, the 26thof January continues to be commemorated as a Day of Mourning. dm.AjaxData.push({ et: et,d: d,ssid: ssid,ad: ad}); That means that the Day of Mourning (1938) is only 3 years younger than Australia Day as we know it today, and everyone having Australia Day on the 26th of January has happened notably less times than I have celebrated my birthday. In June 2020, following the death of Black man George Floyd at the hands of the American police in Minnesota, Black Lives Matter protests occurred around the world, including here in Australia. In 1994, when Australia Day was fixed to January 26, then-prime minister Paul Keating suggested the view each of us might form of our nation depended on individual perspectives and opportunities. } It was inconsiderate to have changed the date in 1994 to the 26th January. (function() { This is the date the City of Fremantle council chose to use this . But Australia Day ends up being a blight on this picture-perfect scene. Changing the date would show that we have aspirations for this country to become greater than it is. January 26 is the legacy of the horrific past and the connection of this trauma to the present. A record number of27,000 people were bestowed with Australian citizenship on January 26th, 2020. More than half (53%) of millennials (those born between 1986 and 2002) think we should not celebrate Australia Day on January 26. Australia has a long way to go Things like festival pill-testing, renewable vs. fossil fuel-generated energy, whether free speech is dead and, yes, a whole chapter on Survival/Australia Day. breadboard. Warning: This article contains images of Indigenous people who have died. -------------------------------------------------------------. var oldonload = window.onload; And it enabled colonisers and settlers to participate in and/or witness without objection decades of massacres, land and resource theft, rape, cultural genocide and other acts of violence towards First Peoples. Cancelling the commemoration completely would move the conversation around racism forward in this country, while also highlighting the needs of First Nations peoples. Now about 28 per cent of Australians want the date to be moved, according to a new survey by Nine News and Sydney Morning Herald . Then, tune in at 8:00pm on Monday, June 21 to watch hosts Annabel Crabb and Nazeem Hussain take you through the key findings and explore the survey with some of Australia's best-loved celebrities. Australia Day, holiday (January 26) honouring the establishment of the first permanent European settlement on the continent of Australia. Men's Journal is a rugged and refined lifestyle publication covering the coolest new gear, luxury and adventure travel, food and drink, health and fitness, and more. .postid-1764461 .sidebar-widget.popular-jobs-widget{ } The commemoration of this day has grown contentious in recent years as a result of a "change the date" campaign, in which supporters demand that Australia Day be moved from January 26 to May 9. Welcome to Australian Ethical, former Christian Super members, employers, and advisers. We've changed the date before - in fact, January 26 has only been a national public holiday since 1994 - and must do so again if we want to achieve a national day that unifies all. 2023 Australian Ethical Investment Ltd (ABN 47 003 188 930, AFSL 229949). } Jack Latimore, Its Convenient to Say Aboriginal People Support Australia Day. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider (with or without the assistance of an adviser) whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives and circumstances. Solution: The email address associated with your Amazon account should have a strong, unique password. According to the Australia Day website, it is a day where we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian.. The ABC should honour it and not mess with the Hottest 100.. Maybe youre going to end up in a heated argument at a BBQ this weekend (dont blame you), or perhaps youve only just started to explore your own feelings on the topic (dont blame you either). For decades, January 26 has been observed as a day of mourning for Aboriginal and Torres Islander people. From a political standpoint, there are a few ways to move Australia Day. In 2017, national youth radio station triple j announced it was moving its annual Hottest 100 music countdown from January 26 to another date close by. Its worth noting that it was on the third ever national Australia Day that a notable Indigenous protest was created. To start with, were having honest and open conversations around January 26, the national mood and changing the date. // console.log('Changed ' + all_links.href); The opinions on these two options are incredibly mixed and each person has their own take on the issue. The first is the type that Malcolm Turnbull gave in parliament. The second argument is to change the date of the Australia Day celebration, moving any sort of revelry away from a day that is devastating for Indigenous people. Australia Day does not exist on January 26. .postid-1764461 .panel-signup { You came here only recently, and you took our land away from us by force. We hope that a constructive conversation can continue with the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander groups so we can find an inclusive day to celebrate our Australian Day. For white Australians, changing the date will simply mean coming together on a different day and the public holiday would still take place. In 2004, a Newspoll survey that asked if the date of Australia Day should be moved to one that is not associated with European settlement found 79 per cent of respondents favoured no change, 15 . Governance Documents, Crescent Institute The annual public holiday on January 26 was establishedin 1994, and thousands of new Australians use the occasion to attend their citizenship ceremonies. True. A common argument about changing the date is questioning what it will actually achieve. The Australia Talks National Survey asked 60,000 Australians about their lives and what keeps them up at night. external_links_in_new_windows_load(external_links_in_new_windows_loop); And remind them that we have robbed them? The history of Australia, and the history of its national day, is fraught with controversy and suffering.There are a tonne of good reasons why the calls to change the date get louder each year and there is growing recognition amongst the non-Indigenous population that January 26th is not the date to celebrate. A common alternative that people suggest is Federation which will never happen, mostly because it is on the 1st of January, but even if it wasnt is that really a day that would inspire us all want to come together as a nation? What about that day says whats great about Australia and being Australia? When the First Fleet arrived there were more than 500 Indigenous groups and about 750,000 people. We believe we can meet the needs of patients who are already taking or about to start the 1.7 or 2.4 mg dose strengths and remain confident in our ability to supply them, unless there are significant, unforeseen . As one Aboriginal person said, You dont visit someones house, rape, and pillage them, and then tell them you are going to celebrate that day as their birthday.. Just over 26 per cent of our 24 million Australians were born overseas and many were granted their citizenship on January 26. For First Nations people, this is a day of mourning called Invasion Day. Australia Day should be for all Australians, but for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who mark the day as one of invasion, survival and mourning, it is an emotional day. : A Statement of the Case for the Aborigines Progressive Associations, The Publicist, 1938, p.3. This is why the date of Australia Day should be changed. The colonisation of Australia was done through force, displacing Indigenous communities from their ancestral homelands. // Load I would like to receive the IndigenousX monthly newsletter. It will always be Invasion Day, Survival Day, a Day of Mourning. When it comes to January 26, instead of organising a party with friends, consider attending an Invasion Day rally. It should not be relied upon for tax, legal or accounting advice. f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f ); As the public broadcaster representing all Australians, triple j and the ABC doesnt take a view in the discussions, triple j said in a statement. 18 January 2018. Australia Day has become the annual starters gun for all the rabid racists to complain about how we objectors hate Australia & disrespect diggers, when in reality it because we love the ancient . Before you arc up, no one is suggesting we dont celebrate this beautiful country we live in. Either way, it really pays to understand both sides of this one, because you cant change minds or win arguments without understanding your oppositions POV. While many Australians argue that we have much to celebrate about this country, it shouldnt come at the expense of our First Nations peoples. Therefore, Australia Day should be changed to a more appropriate date that truly represents Australians at our finest. 872 Words 4 Pages Good Essays "We are a multicultural country and a lot of people have come and married into our family and we need to do the right thing and respect all cultures," he said. Read This If You Are Confused About Why People Wanna Change The Date Of Australia Day, I Used To Celebrate Australia Day Until I Realised What Jan 26 Meant For My People, How To Win Every Argument: A No-Filter Guide To Being Right About Everything, , No Matter Which Day the Country Chooses to Host, Its Australia Day, I Will Not Be Participating,, Why I No Longer Support #changethedate,, If Indigenous Voices Cant Even Be Heard on, Its Convenient to Say Aboriginal People Support Australia Day. And yes, the survey was multiple choice. Considering that, celebrating Australia Day on January 26th seems like an insensitive way to pay tribute to all those atrocities. Its also not like this day has been celebrated for a very long time. Even though many Australians are apathetic about the date that Australia Day should be held (56% polled saidthey didnt care about it), other Australians, including Aboriginals want the date changed. Not until 1994 did they begin to celebrate Australia Day consistently as a public holiday on that date.. Australia Day should be the day we become a republic. Post continues below. Australia Day. I want an Australia thats worth celebrating. 'gtm.start': Many First Nations people, of course, need no convincing they have always known . if(document.links[t].hasAttribute('onClick') == false) { We know this isnt a solution, but we take it as a sign of solidarity with the First Peoples. Check out our website to get more details. if(force != '' && != -1) { We losing to everyone that Australia Day ends up being a blight this! The ABC urging the station to reconsider two things: a Statement of the ABC urging the station to.. Show that we why should we change the date of australia day aspirations for this country to become greater than it is welcome to Australian Ethical, Christian! Birthday was on a different Day and the public holiday would still take place an! 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