d) There currently is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are drugs that offer a memory boost. Which of the following is NOT a physical change in middle adulthood: What are the two main causes of death in middle adulthood? If Gertrude is like the average woman, she can expect to experience menopause in her a) late thirties or early forties. All of the following factors appear to be related to risky behavior patterns in adolescence EXCEPT a) an active personal fable. 60.-kg person if the dose is 2.5 mcg/kg? a) "Heinz should not steal the drug because if he does, he'll go to jail and without his help his wife will die, and he'll feel bad for the rest of his life." B. d. hytrin, Which of the following statements is not true regardig STDs? They can happen several times an hour, a few times a day, or just once or twice a week. When she is having a crisis and her parents try to talk to her, Sharleen says, "You can't possibly understand what I'm going through!" Office onWomen's Health C. a sense of efficacy If so, make sure your partner uses a condom each time you have sex. d) Only about one-tenth of current U.S. couples who are married lived together before marriage. e) After their twenties, most people lose about 2 pounds of lean body mass every decade. b. severe hypotension Which of the following is true about menopause? Identify the errors in the accountants adjusting entries, assuming that none of the accounts were affected by more than one adjusting entry. Maybe you cant fall asleep easily, or you wake too early. When presented with the Heinz dilemma, a female who adopted a care orientation might answer with which of the following? a. age b) early twenties. b. vardenafil Solve any question of Human Reproduction with:-. Which of the following is a measure of crystallized intelligence? Correct option is C) Follicular atresia means degeneration of follicles. c) Income level and social contacts are unrelated to better psychological well-being in late adulthood. Dr. Lisa Mosconi's TED Talk. Talk with your primary care provider or a mental health professional about what youre experiencing. a. estrogen b) asking people to respond to moral dilemmas. e) raising children has become much more difficult than it used to be, and parents are relieved when children finally leave. e) Americans and Indians both placed more emphasis on justice and less emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities. . Determine the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the pivot point. Both are triggered by a deficiency of the important brain messenger chemical acetylcholine. a) Single people are regarded as less selfish than married people. How would you respond to (or treat) an injury based on the three levels of severity of an injury? D. Expertise, In middle age, individuals need __________ time to learn new information, and long-term memory becomes __________ reliable. Menstruation is considered by two terms; its start is known as Menarche and its cessation is termed as menopause. He feels that his life has no purpose. The ortho evra patch can be applied to the upper arm, back, abdomen, or buttocks c) early thirties. He is still experiencing enduring despair a year after her death. Which term describes Mary Jo's psychological state? Which of the following statements is true about physical changes in adulthood? d) crystallized intelligence. EstimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscalyearbeginningJune1EstimateddirectlaborhoursforyearEstimatedmachinehoursforyearActualfactoryoverheadcostsforJuneActualdirectlaborhoursforJuneActualmachinehoursforJuneFactory1$475,00020,000$38,0001,560Factory2$600,00015,000$52,0001,350. $17.71155 (nearest cent). According to Victor Frankl, which of the following is NOT one of the three most distinct human qualities? The age at which menopause occurs has increased dramatically in recent years. And if you wake up during the night, you might have trouble falling back to sleep. What would happen if someone stole personal or credit card information and charged thousands of dollars in someone else's name? Thus, if all follicles get degenerated at the age of 45-50 years, there will be no ovulation and hence no menstruation which leads to menopause. C. Nancy Denney e) conducting extensive interviews with women. A newborn is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease in which substitution of one amino acid results in abnormal hemoglobin. Lago gave a statement to E! The care of a dying older person has shifted away from the family. Approximately what percentage of older adults suffer from some degree of depression? c. ED d. oldest-old. This is from the Scotsman . c) anger at being abandoned by the deceased. C. women with surgical menopause usually have milder symptoms. a) four; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational b) four; identity, intimacy, generativity, and integrity c) three; preconventional, conventional, and postconventional d) three; selective optimization, optimism, and self-challenge e) two; care orientation and justice orientation, After winning a lottery, Dylan and Meredith decided to give one-tenth of their winnings to a charity they both admire. Natives of the rainforest prepare poison darts by rubbing the Which hormones fuel a women's sex drive? c. Menopause tends to occur later among women who smoke or who have not given birth. Later menopause is linked with increased risk of breast cancer. a) The old adage "use it or lose it" is a myth. biological, parental, work, and cultural generativity. D. increases in computer technology, Why do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood? Diet, low-stress lifestyle, caring community, activity, and spirituality. During this time, it is important to continue to eat a healthy diet, be active, and make sure you get enough calcium for optimal bone health. . There are treatments available to help. The highest level of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg, involves a) the belief that laws are based on mutual agreement among members of society. ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. c. Menopause tends to occur later among women who smoke or who have not given birth. d. alprostadil, Clomid is used for: c) The brain shrinks in volume and weight. A. less; more A. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) B. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) C. Luteinizing hormone (LH) D. Both B and C. 2. d. Nowadays, more older adults die apart from their families. d. Sex and Menopause: Treatment for Symptoms. The age at which menopause occurs has increased dramatically in recent years. a. oral birth control e) "Heinz should steal the drug because if he doesn't his wife will die, and people will blame him for not even trying to save her.". a. Women's hormone levels remain unchanged until menopause, at which point they drop dramatically. 30 % more research to chemically modify the epibatidine molecule Make sure the online business has a secure website and uses a security measure that scrambles your data as it passes through the Internet. If you are like the average person, you can expect to reach the peak of your physical performance in your a) late teens. He is a rather sad because he regrets the wasted opportunities in life and feels he has made a lot of mistakes. e) Help Pablo think of ways to bargain, because this will keep his mind off his impending death, Wilfred was diagnosed with a terminal illness. c) case studies of people with infamous deaths. She is MOST likely to have difficulty understanding you when you: The time in a woman's life when menstruation and reproductive capability end is called a) menarche. According to Erikson, middle adulthood is to ________ as early adulthood is to ________. In the second stage of grief and mourning, bereaved people are most likely to experience a) preoccupation with thoughts about the deceased loved one. 44 d) Indians and Americans both placed less emphasis on justice and more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities. A) Religion has not been shown to play a role in coping. However, you could still be at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea or HIV/AIDS. Knowledge about the self b) find adequate time to rest. c. both brain weight and brain volume decrease. Discuss your symptoms, family and medical history, and preferences with your doctor. d) Erikson. D. more; more, Which of the following is NOT a challenge for the middle-aged worker in the 21st century? What is Murray's condition? d) bereavement. pain reliever, epibatidine is 200 times more effective than d) people are stretching their "nest years" by allowing for more spacing between children. Its possible that stress, family changes such as growing children or aging parents, a history of depression, or feeling tired could be causing these mood changes. An influential theory of death and dying was developed by a) Erikson. a. additional reproductive therapy d. none of the above, What is the major drug interaction between phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as sildenafil and nitrates? d) using extensive questionnaires. The average age at which U.S. women have their last period is 61. Calvin has just turned 90 years old. Which of the following statements about menopause is NOT true? Regarding menopause, which of the following statements is TRUE? d. a and b, Which system interdependently acts with the reproductive system? Heavy sweating and cold shivering can follow. lo e. B) ova develop from stem cells called oogonia. b) ego identity. C) Higher order thinking \text{Estimated direct labor hours for year} && 15,000\\ d. It involves a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home. Red blotches may appear on your chest, back, and arms. b) traveled around Europe working as an artist. d) Girls tend to benefit from early maturation, whereas boys tend to benefit from late maturation. What is the dilemma in the "Heinz dilemma?" d) the belief that some risks are worth taking. Language comprehension Hard Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is D) The changing nature of middle age can be accounted for by the fact that. a) Heinz should steal the drug because he needs his wife and she might die without it. Hormone therapy is most often used to treat common menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and vaginal discomfort. Some women dont require any treatment at all, but for others, symptoms can be more severe. b) denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. a) Conventional b) Preconventional c) Postconventional d) Unconventional e) Formal operational, Suzette drives no faster than the speed limit because it's the law. b. brain volume decreases; brain weight does not decrease. Bladder control. The stressful time of soul searching and self-examination that many adolescents experience is the a) identity crisis. It then continues in the same direction for another 40 km at 60 km/h. b. a. Zestra, a topical formulation that contains botanical oils and extracts As levels of estrogen decrease, you could have various symptoms. A. b) Heinz should steal the drug to avoid being blamed if his wife dies. Larissa is tired and irritable from lack of sleep and fed up with the hot flashes. c) the culturally prescribed manner of displaying grief. She is not sure where she is headed in life, but school does not seem to be a part of it. e) emotional intelligence. C) Religion is a cause of good physical health. d) interviews with people who work with the terminally illhospice workers, nurses, doctors, and chaplains. Here is an explanation of each statement and whether it is true or false: Explanation. A flat EEG recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of _____. b) Adolescents who fail to develop a clear ego identity are the most vulnerable to negative peer influences. B) 50s. a. yaz Unfortunately, the victims may be denied loans or job opportunities due to fa lse information on their credit reports. 2) Average body fat percentage does not differ by gender. a) Vocabulary size b) Perceiving relationships among patterns c) Inductive reasoning d) Forming and recognizing concepts e) Spatial orientation, Crystallized intelligence is best captured in which concept? e) Erections of late adulthood take less time to achieve than those of young adulthood, Instead of focusing on what she is no longer able to do, eighty-year-old Pauline uses her time and money to make up for the shortcomings associated with aging, focusing on activities that are meaningful and important to her. Which of the following statements is not true concerning menopause? Which of the following statements regarding religious experience is TRUE? c) role diffusion. c) isolation. a) Unconventional b) Postconventional c) Conventional d) Preconventional e) Concrete operational, Kohlberg's postconventional level of moral development consists of which stages? A. purpose What is Victor experiencing? d. With menopause, the ovaries no longer produce ripened egg cells. It is a normal part of aging. Middle adults need to prepare psychologically for retirement. a) Breast development b) Enlarged uterus c) Pubic hair d) Underarm hair e) Growth spurt, Which of the following statements is true about puberty? Elderly men are generally unable to father children - BrainAcademy.pro Which of the following statements is true? b. sperm production begins at puberty and ends approximately 70 years of age \end{array} D. self-worth, Estimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscal, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Project Management: The Managerial Process, Adults 1 Exam 3 - Class Practice Questions. a) Jean Piaget b) Lawrence Kohlberg c) Carol Gilligan d) Erik Erikson e) David Elkind, Sharleen believes she is unlike anyone else and invulnerable. Denial and Isolation Seventeen-year-old Hassam has spent a lot of time this past year thinking about his personal values and life goals. Research has found that as much as ______ of the erectile dysfunction in middle-aged men stem from physiological problems. She is irritable all of the time and is not functioning well at home or work. Meredith's answer reflects which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning? While the menopausal transition may commonly be referred to as "menopause," true menopause doesn't happen until one year after a womans final menstrual period. What are the three main groups of women in middle adulthood? Which of the following statements is true about Alzheimer's disease? a. The hot flashes, which cause her body and face to heat up quickly and uncomfortably, are waking her up several times a night. D. Hot flashes during menopause result from low levels of estrogen. Which of the following health concerns are considered fatal chronic conditions? decreases slightly. Which of the following statements regarding menopause is TRUE? Absence of disease Chapter 9.5, Problem 2RLI is solved. She presented her research findings on the relationship between menopause and brain aging. a) Imaginary audience b) Formal operations c) Deductive reasoning d) Personal fable e) Role diffusion, Imaginary audience and personal fable are components of which aspect of adolescent thinking? e) identity investigation. a) Both types of intelligence generally increase throughout the adult lifespan. c. Perimenopause can take up to 10 years. b) single. a) Emotional intelligence b) Accumulated knowledge c) Abstract reasoning d) Mental flexibility e) Creativity, Typically, people achieve their highest scores on IQ tests at which point in their lives? b) mid-forties. a) Abstract operations b) Moral operations c) Concrete operations d) Formal operations e) Preoperational, Mareek believes that other people are as interested in him as he is. d) Loss of muscle strength in adulthood can be offset by a weight-bearing-exercise program. a) Normal adolescent development includes serious conflict with parents. The d) exercise more. a. c-II D. Males show a stronger interest in religion than females do. a) The senses become less acute, especially the sense of touch. a) delayed; better health b) delayed; dieting trends c) earlier; better health d) earlier; dieting trends e) earlier; overweight tendencies, Compared to late-maturing female adolescent, early-maturing female adolescents are more likely to a) have high self esteem b) have a positive body image c) be happy d) experience unwanted sexual attention e) have an advantage in athletics. C) an ovum will only complete meiosis if it is fertilized. The first step in treating incontinence is to see a doctor. You might bleed more or less than usual. Find that their symptoms begin to resolve within 2-6 weeks Eddie's motive in turning in the cheaters would be categorized under which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning? C. more; less Treating menopause symptoms: What's right for me? b) The number of Alzheimer's patients is expected to remain steady or decline, as memory-boosting drugs gain in popularity. a. sildenafil b. AccountAvalancheAutoBalesAutoDerbyAutoRepairLuckysAutoRepairPitStopAutoReliableAutoRepairTridentAutoValleyRepair&TowDueDateAugust8October11June23September2September19July15August24May17Amount$12,0002,4003,9006,6001,1009,7501,8004,000. Which of the following statements about menopause is NOT true? Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. a) Scientists suspect that one gene is involved in all the different forms of the disease. 4) Ethnicity has no influence on body fat percentage. A variety of non-hormonal and hormonal interventions can help alleviate perimenopausal symptoms. d) Dementia appears to be genetically determined, and the risk of succumbing to it cannot be reduced with mind exercises. c) The optimists tended to live almost 1.5 years longer. Menopausal women are no longer fertile. a) Anger b) Depression c) Denial d) Mourning e) Bereavement. If you are having symptoms that are common during menopause, your doctor may ask questions about your age, symptoms, and family history to determine if it really is the menopausal transition causing your problems. d) Memory suffers, with memory for old information being most affected. Marietta, who is terminally ill, promises to go to church every Sunday if God will let her live to see the birth of her first grandchild. c. call her on the phone. b) Both men and women experience a drop in household income, with women experiencing a larger drop. e) African American females. b. infertility c) is married. The tendency for people to marry others who are similar to themselves is called a) hegogamy. a. a. sperm production begins before puberty and decreases with age b) industry versus inferiority. Other women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also . True d. oliguria, Which of the following medications should not be handled by pregnant women? Night sweats might wake you up. a) There are fewer cohabiting couples today than there were in 1990. b) Cohabiting couples are more likely to get married than to break up. You may have a sudden urge to urinate, or urine may leak during exercise, sneezing, or laughing. According to Erikson, psychosocial development in late adulthood centers on the crisis of a) identity versus role diffusion. According to Erik Erikson, what is the last stage of development in life? a) Most divorced people tend to remain single. Joan's grandparent style would be _____. c) Is a person allowed to break the law and steal in order to save a loved one? Oh no! c) Children of divorced parents do not have more behavioral problems than children from intact families. e) Cohabitation is strictly a heterosexual phenomenon. c) are less likely to be overweight. e) Identity versus role diffusion is the fourth of Erikson's psychosocial stages of development. c) serial monogamy. c) Single people are viewed as more stable than married people. It usually lasts about seven years but can be as long as 14 years. C). b) Men experience a gradual decline in testosterone production in middle adulthood, and they can maintain fertility well into later adulthood. c. cardio e) Researchers have found no connection between regular exercise and the preservation of mental sharpness. c. old-old. b) twenties. d) Men experience a gradual decline in testosterone production in middle adulthood, and they do not maintain fertility as a result. c) applied intelligence. b) Changes in sexual responsiveness that come with aging prevent sexual relationships from being satisfying. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The aspect of hearing that declines most significantly in midlife is the ability to __________., Which of the following statements about menopause is true?, Which of the following is the leading cause of death in midlife? c) Indians placed more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities, whereas Americans placed more emphasis on justice. D) 70s. b) case studies of the journals of terminally ill people. Twenty-five-year-old Allison is predicted to be in which stage of psychological development? b. menstrual abnormalities Toots credit terms are n/30. \quad \text{year beginning June 1} & \$475,000 & \$600,000\\ Which aspect of emerging adulthood is Tyrone experiencing? . _____ is a program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible. Why do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood? a) Breast buds b) Pubic hair c) Underarm hair d) First mensturation e) Ovulation, If Paige is like the average American girl, she will have her first period at about what age? d. Weight bearing and resistance exercise, Which one of the following statements about menopause is true? c. prostatitis b) preserving the social order and ensuring harmonious relationships among people. The pendulum has a mass of 2.20 kg, and the pivot is located 0.350 m from the center of mass. You could lose muscle and gain fat. b. C-III \hline \text { Avalanche Auto } & \text { August 8 } & \$ 12,000 \\ Follow up with a doctor. b) bereavement. d. Be told that they ought not to experience side effects if they follow directions, b. a) Between nine and ten b) Between ten and eleven c) Between eleven and twelve d) Between twelve and thirteen e) Between thirteen and fourteen, During the twentieth century, the average age of the onset of menarche for American girls became __________ because of ___________. c) Havighurst. a) 2 to 3 b) 4 to 6 c) 7 to 9 d) 8 to 12 e) 14 to 18, The stage of development at which people physiologically capable of reproducing is called a) menarche b) moratorium c) menopause d) diffusion e) puberty, How long does puberty last? c) Between ages twenty and seventy, people are likely to lose as much as 5 percent of their muscle cells. Which of the following statements is not true concerning menopause? b. multiple sex partners d. C-V, Which of the following is risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease? Studies with African American and Hispanic American teens, mentioned in the text, found which of the following to be an "antidrug" influence? B.The uterus is shaped like an inverted pear C.The lining of the uterus is called the mesometrium. c. some STDs can be spread from mother to child in child birth Which of the following statements is true about emerging adulthood? a) fifty b) sixty c) seventy d) eighty e) ninety. 2 See answers Advertisement stunnaaaaaa As of the end of business on October 31, the following accounts receivable were past due: AccountDueDateAmountAvalancheAutoAugust8$12,000BalesAutoOctober112,400DerbyAutoRepairJune233,900LuckysAutoRepairSeptember26,600PitStopAutoSeptember191,100ReliableAutoRepairJuly159,750TridentAutoAugust241,800ValleyRepair&TowMay174,000\begin{array}{llr} Jamie lost his wife of many years. d. HRT increases the risk of developing breast cancer, stroke, heart disease, and blood clots, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are used in the treatment of: Negative peer influences anger b ) the senses become less acute, the... 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With the Heinz dilemma, a female who adopted a care orientation might answer with which of the following about! Are triggered by a weight-bearing-exercise program are married lived together before marriage one adjusting entry some of! The preservation of mental sharpness seventy d ) Indians and Americans both placed more emphasis on justice personal and. Memory becomes __________ reliable as an artist he regrets the wasted opportunities in life and he... Divorced people tend to benefit from early maturation, whereas Americans placed more emphasis on.... Ripened egg cells and charged thousands of dollars in someone else 's name values and life goals about 2 of! In all the different forms of the following statements is true end in.gov or.mil ) asking people respond! Will Only complete meiosis if it is fertilized of breast cancer care a. Dr. Lisa Mosconi & # x27 ; s hormone levels remain unchanged until menopause, victims... 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