Naval action has probably the best representation of the age of sail combat mechanics. Ty i read that also but you know how you select what wood it is built with? If you are strong in communication, critical thinking and have the . So im lvl 6 at crafting and can finally build a ship i will use. Removing any other accounts or computers that were authorized in steam sharing even though steam sharing is off. Once an enemy ship's hull health (center bar in combat) goes to zero, there will be a short wait while they finish sinking. Share . These are actual blueprint values, straight from the API. The only item of real monetary value is the. Ship crafting levels and some Marks exchanges are the only real changes since I last updated the spreadsheet. You can build any ship in the game the way you want it: tweaking it's battle and sailing performance during construction. To the right you can also see the Naval Action Crafting tree, the blue ones are default and the red ones are non default ones, so those you need to acquire the blue print for. Crafting in the current stage of Naval Actions involves gathering resources to construct ships. Accurate hull models, sail plans, guns, internal upgrades, historical speed trials were used in the creation of vessels. I've corrected a minor error I had in parsing the API, which may make it easier to check for changes in future as things won't go missing in the Items sheet. Pinkerton map of the West Indies was used for our open world. Crafting Notes are typically made from acquiring gold and combining it with coal to create gold ingots. Other people have posted about API MaxSpeed, but I never really looked into it myself. So im lvl 6 at crafting and can finally build a ship i will use. The game features 50+ shipsfrom small cutters to large 100+ gun 1st rates allowing the player to experience every possible role of that era. To the right you can also see the Naval Action Crafting tree, the blue ones are default and the red ones are non default ones, so those you need to acquire the blue print for. Cotton Sails - Common speed increase mod 1.7%. As per the patch notes, weights decrease significantly, but the spreadsheet doesn't calculate hauling weights, merely lists them in the Items sheet. It will cost you some reals based on the distance teleported (usually less than 10k). If you buy a DLC out of the gate, it will only be good as a way to get a few resources from breaking it down and hoping for good rolls you can save for later. You need to first acquire resources to make the upgrade, and then by applying crafting notes to the recipe you can improve their overall quality. That means you can keep 3 (or potentially even 4) DLC ships around at any given time. We are searching for a brilliant NAVAL ARCHITECT to join our dynamic team at Department of the Navy in Washington DC. From the API. Permits are used as notes and are consumed in the crafting process. What matters is speed. Tous droits rservs. If you use an old version of Excel and want a .xls copy, just ask. The Ship Craft Helper helps you to organize your shopping and crafting ships for Naval Action. You cannot separate the shipwreck cargo up until after it has been claimed. Seeferkels, Gunnery Encycopedia, Instructions au Cannoneers, Speed (2-4) - i.e. This is going down through any lower level blueprints till you reach the base resources. Once you know the name of some clans you're interested in, look for players in that clan and start up a conversation (can do this by pressing info at sea, or by right clicking on player names in chat and selecting info). Use nation chat to ask if clans are recruiting, find information out about which clans are most active, etc. Do note, all the guns listed here and on the ships, respective pages are the broadside guns, this does not include any chasers the ship may or may not have, The Broadside weights are only for one broadside and it is calculated using the heaviest cannons or carronades that can be mounted, If the ships in-game name differs from its real-life name then her name is in the brackets after the in-game name. Germany will pursue a $5.2 billion deal with India to jointly build six conventional submarines in the country during Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Feb. 25-26 visit, two Indian and two German sources . Each ship can be levelled up 5 times, unlocking 5 "Knowledge Slots" (shown in image below) where you can put book upgrades in. Long Guns - Good Accuracy and Range, Medium Reload. U.S. The group also focuses on other shipping related services such as machinery and equipment manufacture. The quality of the built-in upgrades of ships depends on how many crafting notes you include in the recipe. If you want to update your own copy, the changes are: Thank you - returning to the game after about a year this is very useful. Alongside commercial vessels, military ships are a major source of revenue due to China's ever-expanding naval fleet. Overall notes. Expect large ships to be going 17kn downwind, etc. British Gunnery Sargeant, Survival Slots (2-3) - i.e. It won't provide all the important information and could leave out some elite small groups, but for someone with absolutely no idea what clans are in their nation this is a much better way to look for a group than simply by asking in Nation. I wouldnt recommend selling cannons/reps at the capital because the market is likely oversaturated already. This is the defended circle wherein HDFs will spawn and hunt. and our Many new players will try to explicitly go fishing to earn a profit and theyll base this on outdated guides that say how valuable certain items like bull sharks are. With the layout I am using it would be a major change to add values for marks and I doubt I will change it now (I have specifically excluded Permit costs so far as the Crafting Costs and Calculator sheets are concerned, even though they have a base price in the Items sheet).. Calculator for building ships in Naval Action. Crafting in the current stage of Naval Actions involves gathering resources to construct ships. Very helpful guide. although for me its more of a bible :D. One area I am struggling to understand is where are the main hubs for buying ships/upgrades (outside of the capitals) etc. Pasted as rich text. There is duplication and a number of obsolete items appear in this list (I have tried to cull them from later sheets). Wood and Trim Ingredients. Blueprint for Trincomalee now requires a permit, There are changes to Marks exchanges which I have not attempted to identify. To maximize your time, do this in a port that spawns gold chest 6th and 7th rate missions - ask in Nation Chat if anyone knows of any in your faction. Cosine The cosine is the ratio expressed by dividing the side adjacent to the angle by the hypotenuse. You can net about 1000x per battle, and picking your 4th rate targets will make your life much easier than the random spawn you'll see in mission. Bermuda/bermuda may work on some of the default tanky ships but its still gonna give you a paper tiger that you likely want to avoid. Find out by talking to other players which faction ports tend to have 7th and 6th rate gold chest spawns and make an outpost there. Here's a link to my Steam Guide; hopefully you'll find something useful in there!Also, yesterday I posted the Farmer's Guide to Naval Action - basically which ships are optimal if you are just PvEing. To loot enemies with the new mechanics while a battle is ongoing you need to be nearly on top of them before the x will appear, and you need to be going below 2.5kn (still testing, could still be 3.5 but have seen mixed results - 2.5 will guarantee you are slow enough). As soon as you can move on from medium guns, do so. Battle rating (or in short: BR) is a value describing the combat power of a ship type. Congreves - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. Start by working on economy missions and work towards getting yourself a fast cheap trading ship. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. In the end it's so simple i'm disappointing with myself to not have seen it when you have a ship in port (or in the shop) the mouse-over text that says 'speed: 12.10 + 1.25" is actually the base speed. At 100k per, it may be worth buying (since value of materials to craft is about 50k), but much beyond that and it is better to do it yourself. Permits can be bought for combat medals from Admiralty, rare Permits only drop in specific mission reward chests. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Building Hours are the real life hours needed to harvest all the craftable resources in a level 1 building. Apply for full-time jobs, part-time jobs, student jobs, internships and temp jobs. You will likely need access to Teamspeak, Discord or both - and having a mic is important. Uninstalled and reinstalled Naval Action. Fishing is still very useful and when you are sailing most of the time you can just keep it on while you are doing other things. Your main in-game bottlenecks are Crew Capacity and Money, and the former has an impact on how useful the DLC ships will be to you. Any of those links in the chain can be disrupted by gankers.\. In addition to the wide variety of ships in the game, players can craft ships selecting materials to add just the right aspect to each ship crafted. The NA map is a good resource for this and it also includes the recipes you might need, but it doesnt include faction port upgrades so a port where you can produce coal may not say it on the map if it was a faction upgrade. A good rough guide for new players may simply be to view the BR of the ships within the same Rate. If anyone wants me to, please post blueprints of any two ships in every trim. So selling them at shipcrafting ports is a good way to make a lot of money on them. Shipbuilding woods comparator,, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots, Copper Ingots, Canvas Rolls, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Planks, Iron Fittings,Cordage and Oakum, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Planks, Crafting Notes, Red Wood Log, American Cotton, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots,Red Wood Log, Cases, Crafting Notes, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Precise Parts, Copper Ingots, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Lignum Vitae Log, Wooden Fittings, Crafting Notes, Iron Fittings, Live Oak Log, Wooden Fittings, Red Wood Log, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Coal, Cases, Crafting Notes, Stone Block, Iron Ingots, Cordage And Oakum, Iron Fittings, Crafting Notes. I've got a semi-automatic way of updating this sheet from the API - it's too convoluted to share, but it does mean I should be able to keep up with patches and hottfixes as they are released. Teak/hardwoods have been nerfed slightly in latest update but they are still your best swiss army knife frame. thats where im wondering if there are hidden traits to each woodtype. They can be used to block enemy hunters and will still pack a punch. Usually shorter boosts you have to sail right underneath have faster boosts. Having a player or alt logged off nearby with an indiaman can be very useful for storing these chests. A ship floating at rest in calm water is acted upon by two forces, weight and buoyancy. The quality of the finished upgrade you can make depends on the players crafting level. There are never enough and they usually go for a ton. >> FINALLY listed framing and planking woods in alphabetical order. After a ship has been sunk, there is a limited period where the ship can be looted before it disappears underwater (at which point it can no longer be looted). The basic idea is to find a method of obtaining upgrades, determining how much they are worth, and selling them. When looted from enemy ships, they cannot be moved from your ship hold to your money chest until you return to port. Your link has been automatically embedded. Speed (2-3) - i.e. If someone cares to post blueprints for a couple of ships in every trim, I'll see if I can work out what the new calculations are and correct the spreadsheet. So looking at the tacking image below, you can see us tacking to the right with our V open to the right. To turn through the wind most on a Square Rigged ship you will need to learn how to turn on manual sailing (most staysail rigged ships/smaller crafts can turn through the wind without ever getting off automatic pilot just fine). Try to buy them for less than 30k if you can, and make sure they are as fast as possible. Open water. Austal shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.4 (a), 60-300.5 (a) and 60-741.5 (a). Solo play is certainly doable, even before the Reputation Update lands (which will make it even easier). Naval warfare is the competition of sea-going power between nations at war. There is a way round this which I may incorporate in a future update, but really if you find this sort of thing useful just pick up a cheap copy of Office on ebay and spare yourself - and people like me - the pain of using OpenOffice and ensuring compatibility. not gold, or ones that you would break down for parts the next day. Find yourself a friendly/free port near large enemy areas where you can create an outpost. As for what this number represents, my guess is it is related to the units the game uses for distance and time. This is by far the most time/cost efficient way to obtain seasoned woods (or the permits themselves). Map is enormous - you cannot see another shore of lake Maracaibo. Not sure what the benifits of different wood types are. There are a couple methods of obtaining seasoned woods for your shipbuilding operations. One shot can hit the stern, damage the rudder, then hit the cannon carriage, injure crew, ricochet from the floor and hit the opposite side. Usually youre looking at like 12 coal and 20 fir, or the equivalent. Moreover, ships do different roles particularly well so telling people which one is the best is impossible - often, they do different things. By Items. As for thicknesses, I don't think these are in the API at all. So that very latest spreadsheet could be used by multiple users changing field values. Production buildings are the start of what will be a player based economy. Fortunately, the basic cutter is free to buy in any port and you can easily grind early 7th rate missions with it at zero risk. The Ship Craft Helper helps you to organize your shopping and crafting ships and modules for Naval Action. Ship upgrades are based on the books you have "read" already. The current state is unknown. Chest/upgrade farming can be done at any time and it is a particularly good way to level up when you are just starting out, which I will cover it in more detail in the levelling section. Perks can be reset by purchasing a perk reset permit, which usually run about 400k. For Indiaman, try and use ones with at least 11.46kn which is a fir/fir build. [Remus] are you and [BLACK SPAWN] in a "Top God" off competition? Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). . The lower the number the slower it is at turning. Find out how you can contribute. Make sure that you purchase both the correct caliber of weapon for the ship, the correct size, and the correct amount. You can accept quest which are your level or 1
Melee - Just like firepower, if the number is high you know the enemy is trying to attack you and you should defend. These ingots are then crafted into gold coins, which are used with coal to craft (or buy) Crafting Notes. I haven't incorporated this into the spreadsheet. I have not gone through checking what other changes there are, but there are plenty. You wont be fighting your trade ships if youre doing it right. Use the R/Q buttons to turn front sails and the Z/C buttons to turn bottom sails. Just keep in mind that the game is dynamic and port control can change, clan friends lists can change, development can be wiped out, etc. But without getting nation specific, the best global market in the game (and usually cheapest place to find upgrades) is going to be La Tortue. The 6.2 patch added Tanaan Jungle to the game and in order to get the most out of this new area, players need to build a Shipyard to their Garrison. Every battle action is calculated on the servers, even water and wave shapes. Meaning you can get 5 slot orange DLC (rarest), a purple (rare) or blue (common), just as you might when crafting, and your port bonusses will be random as well. Taxes have been added in build 11. You can use for frame and planking, but I wouldnt recommend putting elite woods on any trader unless youre absolutely rolling in the game. date. In the Calculation sheet, the Blueprint Quantities table did not divide ingredient quantities by the blueprint quantity. *This is for an exceptional live oak Yacht with speed and stiffness, unless i am mistaken everyone gets exactly the same yacht. Certain ships construction need unique components, with differing amounts of resources needed in each ships crafting recipe. Be careful to not get boarded - these ships will have every boarding mod equipped. Valve Corporation. The pickle and im wondering what wood type i should use. This isnt my preferred method because you will eventually want many of these upgrades and I like to make sure I have a good personal stockpile. To make sure you information is uptodate, use. C-Job Naval Architects, an independent ship design company, and VIKTOR, leading application development platform for engineers, have worked together on the ACD Resistance Module, a tool that will . Only claim shipwrecks when server pop is low or you know there are never enemies in that area. When logged into CADE, go to Data & Analytics and do a key word search for "JIC" in the DTM hub. PS, disregard my questions on the old post you are no longer updating, I had saved an version of it and had questions about some of the data that this post renders unnecessary. I'd say the first thing to do is to take a few ships and compare MaxSpeed in the API with the in-game stats sheets to see if there is a multiplication constant. THOR Solutions is actively seeking a highly motivated Journeyman Naval Architect to support the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in Washington, D.C.The ideal candidate will provide HM&E support in weights/stability, structures, or arrangements and will assist the USCG Ship Design Team with the following technical discipline areas of small boats, patrol boats, buoy and construction tenders . Naval Action is a team game. This is from the API, but don't ask me how the last three columns are applied. I'm particualrly intrigued by TEST MODULE SPEED IN OW, and hope I get one drop from my next PvE kill. : 91 577 99 72 - - - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC The 5% and !0% boxes are for sell contract fees (10% for ships, 5% for everything else). Buy trading goods at low prices, haul them to distant places for high profits. Resources can be difficult to attain for each ships recipe, and can be time consuming to retain. It looks like it's meant to match the crafing cost, and for most items it does, but there are quite a number - mostly recent changes - which dont. probably the most reliable way would be to get a pair of ships with the same wood and trim, ensure they are empty (including guns), have no filled knowledge slots and no upgrades and divide in each case the API value by the stats sheet max speed. All rights reserved. The PB22 FMB-6 Inflation Indices and Joint Inflation Calculator (JIC) has been migrated to the CAPE Cost Assessment Data Enterprise (CADE) DTM Hub (Data Sets, Tools, and Models). Doing 5th rate missions against 4th rates is usually not my advice during this period unless you really know what you're doing; theyre better ships and can't be camped easily. Read MIDN 1/C Anders Gulbrandson's Story. I've given up playing but happened to see there was a patch today so I've updated the spreadsheet with new API data. 400k if you want to play it more safely. Endymions Very mobile, and pack a punch. This is what you see in the Calculator sheet without mark ups applied. The Secretary of the Navy should ensure that the Naval Sea Systems Command develop and implements goals, action plans, milestones, and a monitoring process for its Shipyard Performance to Plan initiative to address the main factors contributing to maintenance delays and improving the timely completion of ship maintenance at Navy shipyards. The ship structure is for a ship of teak wood type and no structure related modules, to see the structure of the ship you have to go into the ship page itself. Ships recipes randomly drop either when crafting ships, or when breaking up a ship (which can also give crafting resources). I'd like a good mix of movability and take some hits at the same time if possible, thanks in advance fellow naval officers o7. It is only visible to you. Below that, Ill frequently man carros. Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots, Copper Ingots, Canvas Rolls, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Planks, Iron Fittings,Cordage and Oakum, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Planks, Crafting Notes, Red Wood Log, American Cotton, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots,Red Wood Log, Cases, Crafting Notes, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Precise Parts, Copper Ingots, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Lignum Vitae Log, Wooden Fittings, Crafting Notes, Iron Fittings, Live Oak Log, Wooden Fittings, Red Wood Log, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Coal, Cases, Crafting Notes, Stone Block, Iron Ingots, Cordage And Oakum, Iron Fittings, Crafting Notes. This does not pertain to HDFs, discussed elsewhere. A Comprehensive Guide to Naval Action (Up-to-Date). Personally, I will equip long guns anytime I can fit 18pnders or higher. If I find time I'll maybe see if it can be adapted for the post wipe game, and put into a more user-friendly format..But don't hold your breath. As you can see, this is expensive to set up but it can be worthwhile if you have people helping you out - but it is usually a team effort. Builds View all builds including non public SteamDB has been running ad-free since 2012. Just be aware that your main ship must be large enough to collect the entire load. La Reqs Can sail very fast upwind and are boarding nightmares with their super high crew capacity. Remus, i have a question for you, seeing as you are well versed in extracting info from the API. I've saved the file in Excel .xlsx format; the Calculator sheet almost certainly won't work with OpenOffice as I use Indirect functions. Can you all please advise me on the best wood to use for the frame and planking. Do you know where i can find the speed and thickness stats on ships? The redout is the best dlc ship you can get as compared to its peers and does everything. Naval Action Craft General Information Player Ranks The current level determine the maximum crew size and a bigger crew size is needed to handle bigger ships properly. Br ) is a good way to make a lot of money on them Navy in Washington DC represents. Between nations at war Excel and want a.xls copy, just.... In short: BR ) is a good way to obtain seasoned woods your! Do you know there are never enough and they usually go for naval action ship building calculator brilliant Naval to. Your best swiss army knife frame if there are hidden traits to each woodtype underneath have faster boosts lower. Circle wherein HDFs will spawn and hunt you purchase both the correct amount usually go for a.... Even before the Reputation update lands ( which will make it even easier ) as as... Acted upon by two forces, weight and buoyancy are well versed in extracting from! 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