GBS commonly develops after an infection; in fact, getting the flu itself is also associated with an increased risk of GBS. Is it another source of information like Dr. John Campbell? They live in enclosures isolated from each other. Dr John R Campbell - Refugees and the Law: An ethnography of the British Asylum System. Before joining users are being told that disagreeing evidence is folklore which is somethings its members pervade throughout other areas of the internet. The advice from the WHO and NICE has evolved, it will be remembered that they did not, at first, recommend the use of face masks. COVID-19 vaccine Get the latest information from the CDC. Campbell's video claiming that Pfizer's document showed "1,223 [vaccine-]associated deaths" received more than 760,000 views and 24,000 engagements on Facebook. It is therefore expected that administration of a. The vast majority of Covid-19 anti-vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories originated from just 12 people, a report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) cited by the White House this week found. Very large numbers need vaccinated to prevent one hospital admission. Audiences enjoy his content as he endeavours t The Rotashield vaccine was withdrawn less than a year after licensure, after scientists discovered that the vaccine was associated with an increased risk of intussusception in children younger than 12 months. Benefits from vaccination take longer to appear compared to harms, which usually appear within the first six weeks following vaccination. In one particularly hot-button conversation about myocarditis it appears Joe was completely wrong and may have misrepresented data to his viewers. They have repeated covid19 myths as reptile science and labelled everything else folklore. In their wake, a new type of influencer has emerged: micro-influencers. The authors matched these SAEs to a list of adverse events of special interest (AESIs), defined by the Brighton Collaboration, a non-profit that seeks to improve vaccine safety. 62. From daytime TV at-home cures to the widely publicized arguments about the vitamin D deficiency epidemic (or lack of) there seems to be no lack of debate about vitamin D. Regardless of if you believe vitamin D to be effective at preventing a certain disease (or ineffectiveness) we consistently see the same results: other more consistently effective methods (hygiene, screening, early isolation, mechanical prophylaxis, etc, etc) are all more recommended because of their effectiveness over a vitamin D supplement. In her YouTube video about the study, Susan Oliver, a nanomedicine scientist at the University of New South Wales, pointed out that conditions like rash, diarrhea, and arthritis, while defined as AESIs, dont typically require hospitalization. In humans, studies have shown that good vitamin D status appears to confer resistance to several respiratory infections, including respiratory syncytial virus and influenza, as well as CoVid19. Vivek Murthy, US surgeon general, and Joe Biden focused on misinformation around vaccines this week as a driving force of the virus spreading. But, he said, I can seemingly talk about it in longform video like this because it doesnt seem to get censored., Another chiropractor and anti-vaccine advocate, Dr. Stanton Hom, has more than doubledhis Instagram following since Facebooks supposed crackdown. (2021) Rutherford - Be Wary of Secondary Sources. COVID-19 vaccination protects against infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), associated severe illness, and death ( 1, 2 ); among those who survive, previous SARS-CoV-2 infection also confers protection against severe outcomes in the event of reinfection ( 3, 4 ). Even though viruses causing respiratory disease in humans are similar (same family, in fact) the manner that we contract them and our requirements are completely different. If you are interested in further exploring where Dr. John Campbell gets some topics very skewed you may be interested in The Problem with Dr. John Campbell by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson. CCDH, a UK/US non-profit and non-governmental organization, found in March that these 12 online personalities they dubbed the disinformation dozen have a combined following of 59 million people across multiple social media platforms, with Facebook having the largest impact. Fearing a repeat of this pandemic, the U.S. government fast-tracked the development of a flu vaccine and promoted its uptake in a national flu vaccination campaign. This is too high. [] regarding the use of Vitamin D in disease prevention in both humans and reptiles; the subject is relatively new and people seem to find it very difficult to explain properly, which leads to confusion. Now Campbell is putting up videos of anonymous people who claim to have had adverse effects from the vaccine. One study found that health misinformation on Facebook received more than 3.8 billion views on the platform in the early days of the pandemic-- outpacing the traffic of more reliable sources like the World Health Organization or the Center for Disease Control. You can, of course, stand out in the sunlight or even get your own artificial source of ultraviolet radiation to help you synthesize ultraviolet light. Awesome factual info is put out by him! Dr. Robert Malone on his horse farm in Virginia in July 2020. In the video, Campbell reached back into history to discuss how previous vaccine safety concerns were addressed, citing theadverse events associated with the 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign in the U.S. and the Rotashield vaccine as the cause of both vaccines withdrawal from the market. However, it is once again worth reminding everyone that snakes do not go shopping or go to school. Some of thesedangerous posts have been labeled as false or misleading but not removed. Despite Instagrams recent efforts to tamp down vaccine misinformation, Media Matters found several posts with tens of thousands of interactions featuring false and misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccines. [1] Jacquie Wise, ' Covid-19: Evidence is lacking to support vitamin D's role in treatment and prevention . In some instances we may learn that those fringe theories are more possible than we previously thought, requiring further scientific review, and this is how we develop. Reptiles do not recover from diseases like Ball Python Nidovirus or Atadenovirus. These findings are a concern for humans since the Covid-19 vaccines may be accidentally injected into the blood stream if the injection is not Repurposed drugs hold the potential for benefitting many conditions, not the least of which include viruses and cancers. From the leopard gecko (e. macularius) in the previous section to bearded dragons (p. vitticeps) we have already visited two species with two very unique requirements. Journals were written covering folklore medicine which included vitamin D with the usual suspects of elderberry and silver. As this is a private Facebook group not only is information censored and hidden but it is difficult to get access to past incidences. David Spiegelhalter, chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at Cambridge University, told Full Fact that the study considered only COVID-19 hospitalization as the basis for measuring benefit from vaccination, and that this was only for two months and at a time when COVID-19 cases were relatively low. Finally, another problem with Campbells comparison is that the numbers for the 1976 swine flu vaccine and the Rotashield vaccine were specific to one particular adverse event known to be associated with the vaccinesGBS and intussusception, respectivelyand therefore are expected to be fairly small. There is certainly a question of under-dosing but over-dosing may cause injury. On example of animals sometimes kept in communities are young bearded dragons (pogona vitticeps). If Facebook truly wants to be a leader in combating vaccine hesitancy, it should start with its own platforms. A growing refrain among vaccine skeptics is that they won't get vaccinated against, Enter the anti-vaxxer's latest unfounded claim: that most public health officials secretly. All have been particularly ineffective at removing harmful and dangerous misinformation about coronavirus vaccines.. In a YouTube video uploaded on 31 December 2022, retired nurse practitioner John Campbell discussed vaccine adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. It is unlikely the animals are forcefully ejecting viral particles cross a room snakes dont cough or sneeze after all. Tuusula, lying on the shores of Tuusulanjrvi lake, is located in the province of Southern Finland and is part of the Uusimaa region. Dr. Frances Baines. This often leads people to rely on UV lamps to leverage the animals own physiology to regulate their uptake of vitamin D. Unfortunately uptake of vitamin D through UV can be inconsistent, is relatively unstudied for most species, and (like humans) can very between individuals. No rotavirus vaccine became available until 2006. Published on: 06 Jan 2023 | Editor: Flora Teoh. These are permanent and are lifelong debilitating illnesses that they may succumb to early in their lives. a list of adverse events of special interest (AESIs), Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, an estimated 25 to 50 million deaths worldwide, withdrawn less than a year after licensure, According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults, Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine, Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine, Rotavirus Vaccination and the Global Burden of Rotavirus Diarrhea Among Children Younger Than 5 Years, The First Rotavirus Vaccine and the Politics of Acceptable Risk. One major factor fueling that hesitancy is medical misinformation spread via social media. To this day we still do not have guidance on the effective daily amount of vitamin D that should be taken to prevent viruses effectively because each study comes to the conclusion that vitamin D is a small piece of a complex puzzle. Dr. Campbell graduated with B.Sc. The introduction includes the mention that we do not have an understanding of health and welfare impacts of vitamin D levels for this species. Its no secret that Facebook and Instagram, which it owns, are hotbeds for dangerous anti-vaccine and other medical misinformation. Because of the disparity of evidence, and general lack of research of each different species, there is often a clear attempt to use humans as model species for reptiles. In the summer it would be really good to take a boat and have a better exploring of the lake. Dr. John Campbells content is often compared to bait for the more fringe theory conspiratorial audience members and he is often blamed for leaning further into fringe theories than he should without indicating his own mistakes. Claim: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines will become deadly a few months after administration because the antibodies they create have been shown to cause deadly immune reactions resulting in damage to the . PJ talks to Dr John Campbell, who runs a popular YouTube channel on health focusing on COVID-19 since the crisis started. Individuals are invited to have their own experiences. Jeffrey Morris, professor of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania, called this a glaring methodological flaw in a Twitter thread discussing the study. "I think most people in the UK and the United States are giving the vaccines wrongly," said Dr. John Campbell, a retired nurse lecturer in the UK who advocates for aspiration, in a YouTube. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Like most inactivated vaccines, pertussis and influenza vaccines can be given during pregnancy. It shouldnt surprise you that the service they offer is little used by anyone outside of their own echo chambers much in the same way you would see Flat Earth or AntiVaxxer groups circulate content that they all agree with. As a quick recap of what is happening with Joe Rogan, we see artists threatening to leave the streaming platform Spotify because of comments made about a few podcasts that were quickly labeled as misinformation about covid19. Dr. John Campbell is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing studies at the University of Cumbria. Related Articles: Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished Zametalov/iStock via Getty Images. Vitamin D Hypervitaminosis can be fatal in many animals and there is no reason to believe that reptiles are different. 583. The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in the placebo group and the vaccinated group, any time after the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, expressed as a percentage[2]. 02/24/23 7:27 PM EST, Article Read onand to ensure your health and the. However, in December 1976, with >40 million persons immunized and no evidence of H1N1 transmission, federal health officials decided that the possibility of an association of GBS with the vaccine, however small, necessitated stopping immunization, at least until the issue could be explored. [emphasis added]. Like humans, the paper proves that we can supplement the diet of these animals safely and that it will match the development of animals exposed to solar radiation. Randomized controlled trials havent found ivermectin is beneficial in treating COVID-19, although results for ongoing studies will provide a more definitive answer. Finally, it later emerged that the vaccine was associated with a slight increase in Guillain-Barr syndrome (GBS), an autoimmune disorder affecting the nerves. At the rate we are getting new vaccines tested, approved and administered this virus will probably be still killing people in ten years time. Also, an old school injection technique may To illustrate how it takes more time for vaccine benefits to become evident compared to vaccine harms, Howard cited a graph in the published study on Pfizers Phase 3 clinical trials[2], showing the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in the placebo group and the vaccinated group over time. Please get in touch if you have any comment or think there is an important claim or article that would need to be reviewed. As of this time the guidance for Vitamin D, as it stands in the United States today, is only present for preventing one disease: Rickets. ", Dr. Thomas Lee, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, explained that if public health officials "do not acknowledge the clear benefits to thecommunitythat the COVID-19 vaccine brings, they are not being honest with the people whom they are meant to serve. The daily number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. . In truth, the motivations for withdrawing both vaccines were more complex than that presented by Campbell. Doctor John Campbell, 62, has built a following of 447,000 subscribers for his channel, where he shares daily updates on the pandemic as well as how-to's. An article published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases also highlighted the fact that the withdrawal involved weighing up both the risks and the benefits: Had H1N1 influenza been transmitted at that time, the small apparent risk of GBS from immunization would have been eclipsed by the obvious immediate benefit of vaccine-induced protection against swine flu. These snakes do not recover from these diseases. This review will summarize some of the important flaws in the study. they are plenty of places to get equipment to enable you to go on the water. CCDH analyzed 812,000 Facebook posts and tweets and found 65% came from the disinformation dozen. Help Us Grow! Great location for walking, we saw lots of wildlife and not many people. Follow 77.4K. I believe he was making the cynical point that the WHO (and all but a very few other organisations) have refused to take on board the extremely compelling evidence that high dose vitamin D supplementation could have been used right from the start, as one more measure towards saving the lives of a large number of CoVid sufferers and preventing severe disease in countless others. Fourth V@ccine Dose | Dr. John Campbell#CovidNews, #covid, #omicron, #OmicronPeak, #OmicronVariant, #CovidVaccine, #coronavirus, #MedicalEducation, #JohnCamp. In the video, Dr. Campbell, who has a doctorate in nursing education but is not a physician, reads the abstract and says that if the findings are correct . Campbell J. That was more than double the rate of infections in those who were . If Vitamin D has been proven to be statistically significant in the management of the disease in humans then we would be foolish in ignoring the evidence when dealing with reptiles and respiratory diseases. On Facebook alone, the dozen are responsible for 73% of all anti-vaccine content, though the vaccines have been deemed safe and effective by the US government and its regulatory agencies. Some of the issues we see in captive snakes are viral infections like respiratory issues or bacterial issues like mouth rot or scale rot. The adverse events reported for the COVID-19 vaccines, on the other hand, comprised many different adverse events, including diarrhea and arthritis, neither of which are associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. 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